The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1710 The violent elder sister VS the

"Time." Leng Su said coldly.

Upon hearing Leng Su's answer, Ou Ting smiled instantly.

"Starting at eight o'clock tomorrow night, I will take you to dinner directly after school. After dinner, we will do some styling together, and then we will go to my house together. Do you think that's okay?"

"Yeah." Leng Su nodded slightly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ou Ting's eyes flashed, and he leaned forward and quickly kissed her between the eyebrows.

Facing her confused look, he smiled innocently and said, "Thank you, Su Su."

Leng Su: "..." Pretend, keep pretending if you can! ! !

When my aunt completes my mission and takes down this little devil like you, I will definitely find my way back to you in no time and torture you to death!

The next evening.

After school, as Ou Ting said, the two went to have a "couple's set meal" together.

They went to have a look together, and after dressing up, Ou Ting drove her to Ou's house in his car.

The Ou family is extremely lively tonight...

As soon as Ou Ting and Leng Su arrived, Ou's father and Na Moxue went out in person to greet them.

They had kind smiles on their faces, and Mo Xue held Leng Su's hand affectionately, praising her nonstop.

Leng Su was not so good-tempered, and she directly took her hand out of Mo Xue's hand.

He looked at Mo Xue with an expressionless face and said, "Who are you? Do I know you?"

Mo Xue has forgotten how many years it has been since she was slapped so harshly by someone...

Ever since she became the wife of the Ou family, who among those people had not taken the initiative to please her and flatter her when they saw her...

She didn't like Leng Su in her heart, and thought she was a self-indulgent person.

It's inappropriate to leave a good general's daughter alone and insist on hooking up with a loser like Ou Ting.

She deliberately taught Ou Ting and made him do so many idiotic things.

She thought that although this Leng Su was a dandy, he was at least a discerning person.

After all, the Ou Ting she liked in her previous life was a young and promising young man.

But he didn't expect that in his next life, Ou Ting would become a waste, and Leng Su would be nothing but clinging to Ou Ting.

Don't think that no one knows what she is doing these days...

In order to seduce Ou Ting, he naively asked his little girl to trouble Ou Ting, besieged and bullied Ou Ting, and then appeared on the scene to stage a so-called "beautiful girl saves the hero" scene...

Mo Xue became extremely angry when she thought of what Leng Su had done.

She couldn't help but resent God's injustice...

Why can someone like Leng Su come from such a good background? Obviously they don't know how to cherish their excellent and perfect identities at all.

It's inappropriate to leave a good general's daughter alone, and she still has a childish temper tantrum with her own father.

She also didn't think about it, everything she owned was brought to her by her father who was a general.

Without her dad, she, Leng Su, is nothing!

He's just a gangster from Teito University.

Let the good general's son go, but the president's son won't marry, so he has to stick to a loser like Ou Ting!


These two people are worthy of being together.

A gangster and a loser are indeed a good match!

Although Mo Xue hid her emotions in time, Leng Su still caught the flash of resentment and unwillingness in her eyes...

Mo Xue concealed her emotions very well. With a decent smile on her face, she stretched out her hand towards Leng Su in a friendly manner.

"Hello, classmate Su Su, I am Ou Ting's mother, Mo Xue. You can just call me Aunt Xue'er."

PS: [The sixth update is over, good night, Mumoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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