The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1716 The violent elder sister VS the

Although Leng Su was no longer here, Ou Ting was still careful when getting out of bed just in case.

He first moved his hands and feet, and after making sure that they wouldn't be so weak this time, he tentatively touched the ground.

With a little effort, he tentatively stood up and walked a few steps. After making sure that everything was okay, Ou Ting picked up the bath towel that Leng Su had put aside and wrapped it around his body.

in the living room.

Looking at the table full of sumptuous food, the sadness in Ou Ting's heart receded a little.

"You still have a conscience..." Ou Ting couldn't help but muttered.

As soon as he opened the packaging boxes and saw that they were all his favorite foods, Ou Ting suddenly felt warm in his heart.

[Congratulations, Ou Ting's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 85 points. 】

Leng Su: "..."

Unlike Ou Ting who was satisfied, Leng Su was waiting anxiously outside the emergency room of the military hospital.

Yes, something happened to Father Leng.

As early as when he left, Leng Su had already noticed something was wrong with his body.

She asked him repeatedly if he had anything to say to her, but he chose silence again and again.

In order to untie the knot between father and daughter, Leng Su chose to ignore his condition during the few days when Leng's father was at home and did not secretly help him with treatment.

The lights in the operating room were still on.

Leng Su could clearly see the situation inside through the door of the operating room...

"Beep beep beep."

"The patient's heart is failing rapidly..."

When she saw this scene, Leng Su moved her hand on her side, and a white light invisible to the naked eye flew out from her fingertips and entered the operating room in front of her.

Leng Su lowered his eyes and controlled the medical book to treat Leng's father's body bit by bit.

This process was long and not smooth. With Leng Su's help, although Leng's father's condition was not completely cured, his life was at least temporarily saved.

Soon, the door to the operating room opened, and Father Leng was pushed out surrounded by doctors and nurses.

On the pure white hospital bed, his face was pale, his eyes were tightly closed, and his brows were furrowed.

Seeing this scene, Leng Su unconsciously covered his chest with his hands, silently asking in his heart.

"He is already your only relative. Do you really have to wait until he is gone before you can let go of what happened back then?"

"His choice is wrong and selfish for you, and even for the entire Leng family."

"But for the country, for the people, he did nothing wrong."

"You should know that he is a soldier of the people, and everything he does is for the country and the people."

"This is his duty, a mission that he will never escape from in his life."

"You have no right to blame anyone. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being born in such a family."

After Leng Su said these words silently in her heart, a deep sorrow came from the bottom of her heart.

Dimly, she seemed to hear the desperate cry of a girl.

"Mom, brother, grandpa, grandma..."



When the girl's cry was about to disappear, Leng Su finally heard the word "Dad" that was so weak that it was almost inaudible.

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled. She looked at Leng's father in front of her, opened her mouth and shouted in a low voice: "Dad."

At that moment, Father Leng seemed to have a sense. In his coma, he actually opened his dry and pale lips, and murmured softly: " up..."

PS: [Also, wait a moment]

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