The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1715 The violent elder sister VS the

Even Ou Zhen and Mo Xue looked at the petite Leng Su and the huge Ou Ting with expressions of disbelief...

This, this, this...

By the time they reacted, Leng Su had already walked out of Ou's house with Ou Ting in his arms.

Ou Zhen originally wanted to be chased, but he was helplessly entangled by these guests.

"Hahaha, this Miss Leng is indeed the daughter of General Leng. She is truly a tiger father without a dog daughter."

"Yes, this strength is better than most young boys of the same age."

"Mr. Ou is blessed."

"Yes, yes, I believe that with Miss Leng here, nephew Ou's future will definitely be bright..."

Faced with the praise from these people, Ou Zhen was still very useful.

The people present are all understanding people. They cannot be unclear about what Leng Su represents and what General Leng Xuleng represents.

Here, Ou Zhen suddenly missed the best time to stop Leng Su and Ou Ting because he accepted the flattery of these people.

Over there, Mo Xue didn't want Ou Ting and Leng Su to be together. It would be more convenient for her if they could leave the Ou family...

As soon as Leng Su left Ou's house with Ou Ting in his arms, he almost got into a car accident.


Fortunately, she dodged quickly enough and escaped in time.

At this moment, the driver of the Ou family on the side took the initiative to ask her: "Miss Leng, where do you want to take the young master? How about I drive you?"

Hearing this, Leng Su looked the driver up and down, stared into his eyes for a while and then nodded slowly.


At least on the surface, there is nothing wrong with this driver.

The horn sounded "di di di" and the driver quickly opened the door.

After Leng Su got into the car with Ou Ting in her arms, she reported an address, and the driver started the car and drove towards Leng's home.

The driver is fine...

But the journey to Leng's house was not peaceful at all.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"


All kinds of chaotic cars crashed into them...

Along the way, the driver in front of me was driving with fear, and his whole face was covered with all kinds of dense beads of sweat.

"Miss Leng, something doesn't seem right about this situation? We'd better call the police as soon as possible."

Through the car window, looking at the out-of-control cars outside like wild horses, Leng Su's face didn't look good either.

Needless to say, these must be the handiwork of that Mo Xue.

According to Ou's father's virtue, he should have just drugged her and Ou Ting, hoping to make the two of them cook, so that she, the daughter-in-law of the Ou family, would not be able to run away.

"Drive the car in the direction of the police station. You must be careful around the corner."

"Yes, Miss Leng."

Along the way, Leng Su kept asking the driver to speed up, speed up again, and accelerate like crazy.

Adding to the rear, the driver’s hands were trembling.

This is in the city center...

The speed of his car has reached 160. Is this a dangerous pace?

The strange thing is that under Leng Su's escort, although the car was traveling at an alarming speed, there was no accident along the way.

Moreover, it turned out that the vehicles that kept hitting them crazily were quickly thrown away by them.

Soon, the car arrived at the police station. After parking, Leng Su hugged Ou Ting and ran away secretly.

As for those so-called car accidents and calling the police, isn't it because the driver is there?

Moreover, she believed that with Ou's father's mercenary temperament, he might not be willing to see anything happen to her and Ou Ting...

The effects of the medicine on Ou Ting are getting worse and worse, and his consciousness is getting blurry...

PS: [Happy March 8th Goddess’ Day, Mumoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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