The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1714 The violent elder sister VS the

Not far away, Father Ou and Mo Xue showed satisfaction in their eyes after seeing Ou Ting drink the glass of spiced wine...

Leng Su looked helplessly at Ou Ting in front of him, at his gradually reddening cheeks and his increasingly magical eyes...

"Do you need me to find a beautiful woman for you?" Leng Su asked angrily.

Hearing this, Ou Ting couldn't help but look aggrieved. He stretched out his hands and hugged Leng Su's neck tightly. He slightly pouted his mouth and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I don't want anyone else, I want you."

Leng Su: "..." What should I do? My hands feel so itchy that I really want to slap him to death! ! !


Ou Ting's mouth was blocked unexpectedly, and Leng Su stared at him in disbelief with wide eyes.

"So soft, so fragrant, so delicious..." Ou Ting muttered.

Hearing this, Leng Su's face darkened. Her hands just touched his waist secretly, preparing to take care of him.

As a result, the sudden sound of the goodwill value made her hand stop successfully...

[Congratulations, Ou Ting's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability point is 75 points. 】

The warm and soft touch on his lips made Ou Ting's heart tremble...

Although he drank the cooking wine, he was still conscious at the moment.

He originally just wanted to tease Leng Su, but he didn't want to. As soon as he got close to her, smelling the faint fragrance emanating from her body, his heart fell into it unconsciously and couldn't extricate himself...

He felt a little uncomfortable when he heard her deliberately saying that she wanted to find a beautiful woman for him.

He really wanted to say that he only wanted her... but he felt that it seemed a bit unreasonable for him to say so.

Obviously, they haven't known each other that long, and their feelings haven't been that deep.

But strangely, there was an impulse in his heart.

He impulsively felt that she was the woman he would identify with in his life... no, in all his life and eternity.

He tried to find the answer in his heart, but found nothing.

In the entire banquet hall, everyone looked at the two people in front of them with strange expressions as they kissed inseparably.

Are they too exciting?

There are so many guests here, how about kissing each other?

Unlike these guests who were weird and unbelievable, Father Ou was very excited.

He looked at Mo Xue and said, "These two children must have drunk too much. You and Su Su should help Ting'er back to the room quickly."

Hearing this, Mo Xue nodded, put down the wine glass in her hand and walked towards where Ou Ting and Leng Su were.

When he saw Mo Xue approaching and when she reached out to take Ou Ting's hand, Leng Su's expression changed.

Without saying anything, he hugged Ou Ting and took several steps back.

"Don't come here."

Mo Xue's eyes dimmed, but her face remained calm. She looked at Leng Su with a gentle expression.

"Susu, Ting'er is drunk. You and I will help him back to the room to rest."

Hearing this, Leng Su opened his eyes and glared at her fiercely: "Don't come over here!"

Facing Leng Su's repeated rejections, Mo Xue couldn't help but look at Ou Zhen helplessly.

Ou Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and gave her a warning look.

After receiving Ou Zhen's warning gaze, Mo Xue couldn't help but tremble, turned around and wanted to step forward again to help Ou Ting or something.

Unexpectedly, Leng Su had already taken advantage of her communication with Ou Zhen to bend down and hug Ou Ting in a princess hug.

In front of everyone's disbelief, Leng Su easily carried Ou Ting and walked towards the door of Ou's house...

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