The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1713 The violent elder sister VS the

After Ou's father made an introduction, he handed two glasses of wine to Leng Su and Ou Ting, asking them to pay respect to the uncles below.

Leng Su's eyes paused on the wine glass for a moment, and then he glanced at Ou's father and Mo Xue with an expressionless expression.

She didn't say anything. The moment she took the wine glass, she opened her fingers and the wine glass slipped from her palm.



"My hands were soft, I didn't hold it firmly, I'm sorry." Leng Su said calmly.

Although Ou's father and Mo Xue had a faint look of displeasure on their faces, they didn't say anything.

"It's okay. If you fall, just pour me another glass." Ou's father took the initiative to lighten the atmosphere.

Hearing this, Leng Su chuckled and said, "No, I'm still a student, and my dad doesn't allow me to drink."

"I'm just here to attend Ou Ting's birthday party tonight. I think I still have the autonomy to drink or not, or what to eat."

"Uncle, if you drink yours, I won't mix it with you."

With that said, Leng Su ignored the ugly expressions on Ou's father and Mo Xue's faces, took Ou Ting's hand and walked aside.

In front of everyone, Ou's father was so humiliated by Leng Su. Although he was extremely angry, he had to hold it back.

He knew very well what Leng Su’s identity represented...

Once the Ou family really marries the Leng family, judging from Leng Xu's status as a general, their Ou family's business will become easier and easier to do in many aspects.

When he thought of this, Ou's father's ugly face suddenly softened a lot.

Looking at the guests all around who were looking at each other, Ou's father smiled gently and said, "These two children are still young and not sensible."

"When you first fall in love, it's the sticky time."

"Since these young people don't want to stay with us old men, then we won't force them."

"Come on, come on, let me toast you all."

With that said, Ou's father raised his wine glass and started drinking with these people.

After Leng Su took Ou Ting to the side, his eyes fell on his wine glass and paused: "This wine has been spiked."

Hearing this, Ou Ting was startled for a moment, then looked at her shyly and said, "Then if I drink it, Su Su, will you be willing to sacrifice your life to save me?"

Leng Su: "..."

Why? ? ?

Why is it still this way?

Why hasn't it changed at all?

"It's your business if you want to drink it. If you want me to sacrifice my life to save you, it depends on whether you have the ability." Leng Su said angrily.

She was puzzled.

According to common sense, the recording just now and Ou Ting's sudden increase of 5 points in favorability should mean that he accepted her as a person.

Now that you have accepted her, why do you still have to pretend in front of her?

Or is it that this is his nature? This tune?

Thinking of this, Leng Su couldn't help but trembled, and his whole body felt bad.

Innocent boys are quite cute.

But the problem is, Ou Ting is not an innocent boy at all...

Although he also looks shy, no matter how you look at him, he looks more like a snake! ! !

Just when Leng Su was complaining, Ou Ting actually picked up the glass of wine and poured it into his mouth...

"Are you crazy?" Leng Su looked at him in horror.

Unexpectedly, Ou Ting smiled shyly at her and said, "Su Su, I will leave my body to you."

"I believe, Susu, you will treat it well."

Leng Su: "..."

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