The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1721 The violent elder sister VS the

At Leng's father's suggestion, Leng's father indeed had people bring tables of water and plates over.

By the window, Ou Ting was washing a lot of fruits aggrievedly.

On the hospital bed, Leng's father looked at him with excitement and joy.

At first, Ou Ting's washing was obviously not smooth.

Later, slowly, he became faster and faster.

But the problem is that he bought too much fruit. Father Leng not only asked him to wash them all, but also asked him to peel, cut and place them...

After about ten minutes, Father Leng fell asleep after watching it.

When Leng Su saw this, he walked up to Ou Ting, kissed him on the cheek, and hugged his arm with a happy look on his face.

"My darling is so nice..."

This was the first time Leng Su took the initiative, and it was also the first time she called him and kissed him so affectionately.

It should be unnatural for him, but for some reason, Ou Ting felt warm in his heart.

It's as if this kind of relationship is what they should have...

After kissing Ou Ting, Leng Su was about to lift up her sleeves and help him wash them, but Ou Ting blocked her hand and shook his head at her.

Under her confused gaze, Ou Ting imitated her previous behavior and pecked her red lips.

"Women like me, Ou Ting, were born to be pampered and enjoyed."

Leng Su: "..." His heart felt as if it had been stabbed, and it was so soft that it made no sense.

The sun was shining outside the window. Leng Su moved a stool and sat across from Ou Ting. He held his chin with his hands and stared at his handsome face, watching how he washed the fruits.

"My dear is so handsome..."

"Susu is the most beautiful in the world."

"My dear is so charming."

"Susu is also the most charming and attractive woman in the world."

"My dear, your mouth is so sweet."

"Susu is also the best girl in the world."

"My darling is doing well..."

"Su Su is also the most virtuous, gentle, kind, and beautiful woman in the world..."

On the hospital bed...

Listening to the boasting of these two people, Father Leng couldn't hold it back any longer, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Yes, that's right at all, such a shameless girl must have been born to him!

biological! ! !

Although such a shameless brat was not his child, he did belong to his family! ! !

[Congratulations, Ou Ting's favorability score has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability score is 95 points. 】

With the beauty by his side, Ou Ting washed the fruit quickly and quickly.

Within an hour, these fruits were washed, peeled and cut.

Father Leng continued to pretend to be asleep and didn't want to deal with these two crazy people.

However, the constant flirting and laughter in his ears reminded him of what happened many years ago.

He had almost forgotten how many years it had been since he heard that dead girl laughing so happily.

Ever since that year when his whole family was kidnapped and killed by those crazy drug gangsters for a piece of confidential information, this damn girl has completely resented him.

Although he rushed back as soon as possible after sending the documents back, it was still too late...

Not only was it too late, it almost cost him his own life.

He should have gone with them, but his old comrades kept reminding him not to give up.

He said that he still had a young daughter, and said that if he left, what would happen if his daughter was bullied...

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