The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1728 The violent elder sister VS the

Here, Ou Ting had just sent Ou's mother's luggage to his little cousin when he received a call from his friend.


"Can you say that again???"

Ou Ting thought he heard it wrong, but he didn't expect that the other party repeated it several times and the answer was exactly the same.

"I'm right, your car is parked next to the largest 'Dream' bar in the imperial capital."

"Why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

"When we all made an appointment to go there before, you were always so serious. I asked you several times but refused to go."

"Why did you suddenly sneak away alone today?"

"But having said that, it is said that a new batch of handsome guys and beauties have been introduced to the 'Dream' bar recently. We will make an appointment to go together when we have time..." Ah.

Before the other party could finish what he said, Ou Ting hung up the phone with a bang.

He held the phone tightly, his face dark.

"old woman!!!"

Ou Ting took his mobile wallet and hurried out of his little cousin's house and hurried towards the "Dream" bar.

In a certain booth at the "Dream" bar, Oumu was hugging her from left to right, enjoying those muscular men and young meaty guys feeding her wine and fruits...

"Oh, my dear, you are so good at feeding me fruit..." Ou Mu said while ogling the male model and not forgetting to touch her hand.

Leng Su: "..."

For some reason, looking at Ou Mu in front of her, Leng Su suddenly felt as if she had seen herself in the past.

Once upon a time, she had such enjoyment in the underworld, enjoying the blessing of being surrounded by people like this.

But she didn't know which mission she started from, and she began to slowly change.

I have become restrained, become clean and self-possessed, and am no longer so carefree and wanton.

For example, at this moment, although there were male models sitting next to her, miraculously, she didn't touch them, even if it was to take advantage or eat some tofu.

This would have been impossible for her before...

While Leng Su was stunned, Ou Mu couldn't help but speak.

"Sister, listen to me, don't be restrained, and don't waste it."

"We women should also keep the red flags at home and the colorful flags fluttering outside, do you understand?"

"Although that boy Ou Ting is good-looking, he is only one person and has one style."

"But look at these handsome young men, they range from fresh young men to cold men to temperamental men. They come in all kinds of styles."

"Look at this muscular man again, look at these abdominal muscles, these chest muscles, these biceps..."

"Feel it yourself, it feels like a first-class one!"

Under Ou Mu's guidance, Leng Su's hand unconsciously touched the muscular man's biceps.

It turned out to be really good...

Seeing Leng Su's eyes that suddenly brightened, Ou Mu became excited.

Just when Leng Su was about to take back his hand, Ou Mu suddenly pushed away the handsome boys beside her and walked to sit next to Leng Su.

She held Leng Su's hand tightly, and without saying a word, she lifted up the muscular man's clothes, grabbed Leng Su's hand and touched the muscular man's abdominal muscles.

"Count these abs, one, two, three, four, five, six...that's a total of six packs!!!"

"This is very difficult to practice!"

Saying that, without saying a word, Ou Mu pulled up the muscular man's clothes again, letting him expose his two chest muscles...

"If you touch your chest muscles, they are so plump and elastic..."

PS: [Request daily votes, various votes, recommended votes, book currency votes, monthly votes, etc.]

Seeing that the fairies said they were going back to school this afternoon, Xiaoxiao quickly wrote these two chapters and updated them for everyone to read. I wish the fairies a good trip back to school. Remember to come and see your Kawenxiao when they come back next week. Oh, moma (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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