The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1756 Twin Sisters VS Banished Immortal Master (21)

After congratulations, the ministers sent their congratulatory gifts.

After receiving the gifts, the emperor called the dancers to come up and perform a dance.

While everyone was eating fine wine and delicacies and looking at the beauty, they sneered and spoke.

"Father, I have always heard that the eldest son of the Prime Minister's family is a great talent in our Yong Kingdom."

"I wonder if I, my son, will be lucky enough to see the eldest son today."

Long before Ji Jili arrived, Lengxiao asked the emperor for portraits of the young talents of the Yong Kingdom.

She originally wanted to select a few suitable targets and then bewitch the emperor.

But helpless...the portrait of this ancient man is really abstract.

She looked at more than a dozen portraits and looked at the most respected young men in the Yong Kingdom, but she just didn't understand...

In her eyes, those dozen or so portraits are actually one person! ! !

Isn't the only difference just the clothes?

Different bun?

She really didn't see any other differences...

In desperation, Sneer had no choice but to discuss it with the emperor.

She stopped looking at the portraits and just went by the popularity of these young men.

With the help of the system, Leng Xiao easily beguiled the emperor and asked him to choose a suitable husband for Leng Su during today's hair extension ceremony.

"Since the second princess wants to see it, I'll trouble the eldest son of the Prime Minister's family."

The emperor had spoken, and naturally no one dared to object.

The eldest son of the prime minister's family stood up from his seat and walked to the center of the stage. He first saluted the emperor, empress, Leng Su and others who were sitting above.

After the eunuchs had set up the table and laid out the rice paper, brushes, and paints, he started to draw on the paper...

I have to say that this young master looks like a man with two skills at first glance.

The movements of the pen are smooth and fluid, and the figure and appearance are really good...

Leng Su nodded with satisfaction while watching.

I have to say, this sneer is quite discerning.

The eldest son of the prime minister's family is really good-looking.

She has delicate features and is dressed in a green shirt. Her whole person exudes a sense of elegance. Just looking at her like this is pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Leng Su staring at the eldest son of the prime minister's family in rapt attention, he ignored Feng Xi beside him. The sneer on the side was surprised and excited at the same time.

It seems that this heroine is not without flaws.

Since she likes men, she can definitely satisfy her!

Thinking of this, Sneer became excited.

After the prime minister and eldest son completed the painting, Sneer hurriedly spoke to stop him from leaving.

"First Master, wait a minute. I remember that my sister loves these paintings, poems and the like. I wonder if the First Master can bring this painting closer? It will also be convenient for my sister to appreciate it."


For today's dinner, Leng Su was definitely the most stunning presence in the room.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

The young masters here tonight have a good impression of Leng Su, the eldest princess.

Therefore, when Leng Xiao made this request, the eldest son of the prime minister's family not only did not refuse, but instead walked towards Leng Su with a smile on his face.

"If the eldest princess likes it, I would like to give this painting to Her Royal Highness."

With that said, the Prime Minister opened the painting and placed it in front of Leng Su.

After seeing the content of the painting clearly, a trace of surprise flashed across Leng Su's eyes.

She didn't expect...

While Leng Su was in trance, a sudden pain came over her head...

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