The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1761 Twin Sisters VS Banished Immortal Master (26)

I have to say, this sneer is so scheming...

She first tried every means to seduce a man to Leng Su. If she failed, she would go into battle herself.

On such a special day, he chose to express his love to Feng Xi in front of so many civil and military officials.

First he knelt down to beg her, then he knelt down to the emperor to beg the emperor, then he knelt to Feng Xi to beg Feng Xi...

After this series of actions, Sneer's face was completely lost.

But at the same time, she also convinced almost everyone of her unwavering love for Feng Xi.

If the emperor really agreed to her request and granted her and Feng Xi a marriage, then their identities would be very different in the future.

If she really becomes Feng Xi's fiancée and successfully marries Feng Xi, then she will have more opportunities to come into contact with Feng Xi, and it will be much easier for her to conquer Feng Xi.

If the emperor agrees to her but Feng Xi disagrees, or if she, Leng Su, steps in to stop her, then the situation will change again...

Compared to her, the emperor naturally loved Sneer more.

Coupled with the fact that Sneer confessed his love first and begged for the marriage first, everyone must be on Sneer's side.

And she will definitely be accused of being like a mother and that she should give way to her younger sister.

Otherwise, they would say that she caused the sneer or something like that...

Even if the emperor didn't grant the marriage and Feng Xi didn't agree, she still won with a sneer!

Because she let the Emperor of Yong, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and the young talents and ladies all know about her deep love for Feng Xi with a sneer.

If Leng Su and Feng Xi are together in the future, everyone will definitely point their fingers and make irresponsible remarks.

Leng Su could even imagine the unpleasant words those people would say...

What sister stole her husband from her sister...

Why does the princess of the Yong Kingdom not break her hand...

Why is it that the eldest princess has been relying on her talent since she was a child, and she may have been bullying the second princess when she becomes the next national preceptor...

Or maybe it was because she had robbed her sister's husband, so she had a hard time with her conscience, so she spent all her cultivation to help Sneer heal his weak body...

It can be said that Leng Xiao only lost his own dignity today, but he successfully dug several holes for Leng Su.

As for Sneer, she is not a woman born and raised in this world, she is a foreign raider.

She only needs to be responsible for completing the mission of the strategy. As for the so-called princess face, those are all dispensable to her.

After understanding Leng Xiao's thoughts and calculations, the smile in Leng Su's eyes gradually became stronger...

In fact, speaking of it, she had to thank Sneer.

If it weren't for her "bad intentions" and if it weren't for her various calculations tonight, she might not be able to capture Feng Xi at this moment.

With her "help", the urgency in her heart disappeared instantly...

Faced with the sneer and persistent entanglement, the emperor also became angry.

With a dark face, he shouted at the guards, eunuchs and maids beside him: "Send the second princess back to the palace quickly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Princess."

With that said, several guards stepped forward and lifted her up regardless of sneer's wishes and struggles.

"No, I won't leave. Let me go!"

"Father, father, please help me..."

"Sir, Master Imperial Master, Xiaoxiao really likes you..."

"Uuuuuuuuuu, let me go..."

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