The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1767 Twin Sisters VS Banished Immortal Master (33)

On a big tree outside the dining room, Feng Xi was sitting on the branch of the tree with an ugly face, looking at the scene in the dining room through the wide open window...

The men are handsome and the women are pretty.

Lang Qing concubine means.

You and I.


In the dining room, Feng Xi watched every move made by Leng Su and Mr. Zhou.

Whenever Mr. Zhou brings vegetables to Leng Su, Feng Xi’s fingers will penetrate a little deeper into the branches of the big tree...

Whenever Leng Su showed a bright smile to Mr. Zhou, Feng Xi's fingers would penetrate deeper.

Every time they looked at each other and smiled, Feng Xi's hand would go deeper.

Every time they said a word, Feng Xi's hand went deeper.

Unknowingly, Feng Xi's hand sank deeply into the branches of the big tree.

Traces of blood are flowing down the branches of the big tree...

Soon, Leng Su and Mr. Zhou finished their meal, walked out of the gate of the Imperial Prefect's Mansion together, got on the carriage and headed out of Kyoto.

Feng Xi endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it in any longer. She tapped her toes on the branches under her feet and leapt to catch up.

The carriage did not stop after leaving Kyoto, but was still heading southeast quickly.

Feng Xi frowned slightly and sped up her leap to catch up.

To the southeast, at the foot of a towering mountain.

After the carriage stopped, Leng Su got off the carriage before Mr. Zhou could get out of the carriage.

She clasped her fists at Mr. Zhou who opened the curtain to express her gratitude: "Thank you Mr. Zhou for your help."

"You two, just wait for me here. I can go the rest of the way by myself."

"Your Highness, this is inappropriate..."

"Yunjing Mountain is so dangerous. It would be too risky for you, Princess Princess, to go there alone. You'd better let the two of us accompany you."

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled calmly and said: "Thank you Mr. Zhou for your concern, but it's no need. I'm capable of dealing with everything in Yunjing Mountain."

With that said, Leng Su didn't wait for Mr. Zhou to continue speaking, turned around and entered the towering Yunjing Mountain without looking back.

Not far away, Feng Xi looked at Leng Su's leaving figure with a strange expression, and at the young master Zhou and his servants who were left behind.

"Sir, don't worry. The eldest princess is not an ordinary person. She is the apprentice of the Imperial Master."

"The Imperial Master is so capable. As his disciple, the princess will definitely not be any worse."

Facing the servant's comfort, Mr. Zhou couldn't help but shook his head and said: "You don't know, this Yunjing Mountain is different from other mountains..."

"Even so, you don't have to worry so much, young master. This is not the first time the eldest princess has gone to Yunjing Mountain."

"A few days ago, the eldest princess came back safe and sound."

After hearing this, the worried look on Mr. Zhou's face faded slightly.

"I hope so."

After hearing the conversation between the master and the servant, Feng Xi's expression changed. He no longer hesitated and chased after Leng Su in the direction he left.

Yunjing Mountain.

The most dangerous and terrifying existence in the entire Yong Kingdom.

For hundreds of years, all the people of Yong State dared not set foot in this place.

After Leng Su went up the mountain, he headed towards the top of Yunjing Mountain with a clear goal.

Along the way, she encountered attacks from countless mutant beasts.

She drew out the soft sword from her waist and continued to kill without stopping.

Leng Su knew that Feng Xi had been following her. In order to avoid revealing her secret, she would try not to use her spiritual power as much as possible...

PS: [There are 3 more chapters to be updated, currently being written, please wait a moment]

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