The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1801 “Legendary” movie queen VS fanboy intern (20)

However, the more Tang Mu talked, the more he felt something was wrong...

He is a normal person who can also run, play ball or play various sports.

In the past, he did get hot and sweaty after exercising, but his reaction at that time did seem to be different from now...

In the past, he just felt so comfortable after exercising.

But at this moment, he felt a strange heat suppressing his body.

I always feel that my whole body is extremely hot, and my body limbs are abnormally soft and weak, especially my lower body...


"Aren't those people too crazy?"

"My dear, I have no grudges against them these days or in the past. Why do they treat me like this?"

As soon as he said this, Tang Mu subconsciously raised his head and looked at the completely powerless Si Nan opposite.

"Si Nan, little bastard, tell me the truth, have you offended someone?"

"Or maybe...those men fell in love with you? And then you didn't obey, so they tried every means to break you?"

"So, if you say that, I am actually still implicated by you, right?"

Faced with Tang Mu's wild guesses, Si Nan didn't want to talk to him at all now, and he didn't have the energy to talk to him.

From Si Nan's point of view, what he needs to do now is to maintain the last trace of sanity.

He only needs to wait for the medicine on Tang Mu to take full effect before he gets close to Tang Mu. By then, he will not be able to escape even if he doesn't want to!

As for what will happen to Tang Mu afterwards...

Si Nan said that as long as they were completely together, Tang Mu would definitely not approach Leng Su again.

As long as Tang Mu doesn't get close to Leng Su, and as long as there is no affection between the two of them, it will definitely not be difficult for him to conquer Tang Mu!

As long as there is a relationship between them, then even if Tang Mu doesn't like him now, he can still have sex until Tang Mu likes him! ! !

Either way...

Thinking of this, Si Nan's face suddenly became very distorted, and his pair of black eyes flashed with a dark light.

If that doesn't work, then he can only bring down the Tang Group.

When the time comes, he will find a way to imprison Tang Mu.

He spent his whole life with him, and he really didn't believe it. He, Tang Mu, could insist on not liking him for the rest of his life! ! !

When he thought of this, a very weird smile appeared on the corner of Si Nan's mouth.

It happened that Tang Mu stopped talking because of physical weakness and dry mouth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, he saw the "smile" at the corner of Si Nan's mouth.

For some reason, Tang Mu's body trembled immediately after seeing this smile, and a strong sense of uneasiness hit his heart...

I always feel like this little bastard Si Nan is planning something...

Isn't this little bastard still determined?

Is he still thinking about how to sleep with him?


He could no longer sit back and wait for death. This room was now completely sealed, and both he and Simon were drugged.

If we don't think of a way, once the medicine on both of them takes full effect, I'm afraid...

Just thinking about it made Tang Mu feel extremely cold.

He looked at Si Nan in front of him who was lost in his own imagination, couldn't help but flash his eyes, and silently said "I'm sorry" to Si Nan in his heart.

When Si Nan wasn't paying attention, Tang Mu picked up the vase placed nearby.

He took out the flowers and placed them on the table gently, then he quickly approached Simon with the vase in hand.

Without giving Si Nan a chance to react, Tang Mu aimed the vase in his hand and smashed it down on the back of his neck...

PS: [The end of the sixth update, good night, moma (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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