

After hitting Simon, Tang Mu was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he found that his body was suddenly hugged.

Looking down, Si Nan's handsome face came into his eyes.

"Depend on!"

"Si Nan, you little bastard, let me go."

Tang Mu yelled while frantically pushing and pulling on Si Nan's body, trying to get him to let go of him.

However, Si Nan finally hugged him, and how could he let go easily.

Tang Mu struggled for a few times. Under Si Nan's troubles, the effect of the medicine in his body became even more powerful.

"Si Nan, if you don't let me go, I'll be rude to you."

With that said, Tang Mu raised the vase in his hand high again, making a gesture of smashing it at Si Nan's head.

Sinan's traditional Chinese medicine was available earlier than Tang Mu's, and its effects were more powerful than Tang Mu's.

In fact, he couldn't hold it any longer. He was biting the tip of his tongue slightly as he stayed still for so long, holding back the last bit of sanity.

And this trace of reason completely fell apart the moment he successfully hugged Tang Mu...

Seeing that Si Nan's hands had touched his chest, Tang Mujun's face darkened, the corner of his mouth twitched, he picked up the vase in his hand and smashed it again towards the back of Si Nan's neck.

When seeing this scene, Leng Su's eyes couldn't help but flash.

This guy hit the wrong place and the wrong force. No matter how hard he hit, he still couldn't knock out Sinan.

If he was allowed to hit him a few more times, I'm afraid Si Nan's life would have to be decided here.

Thinking of this, Leng Su's eyes flashed. She moved her little hand and shot out a ray of silver light that penetrated into Sinan's body...



Tang Mu was carrying the vase and looked at Si Nan who suddenly fell to the ground with a confused expression. For a moment, his mind was really at a loss.

"Is it possible that Si Nan's reflex arc has become very long because of the traditional Chinese medicine?"

The fierce medicinal power in his body gave Tang Mu no time to continue to struggle. He kicked Si Nan away and quickly walked away from him.

Then I started looking for mobile phones, telephones, a series of escape tools, etc. in this room...

Tang Mu tried to smash the glass door of the balcony with a chair, rushed out, shouted loudly towards the surroundings, and began to ask for help.

Unfortunately, he was under the influence of the medicine and the voice he shouted was soft and weak, and the people below could not hear it at all.

As for the rooms around them...

I don’t know if he was unlucky, because no one happened to check in today or something. Anyway, he called for a long time, but no one responded to him.

Leng Su had seen enough of the show and used his spiritual power to help Tang Mu relieve the medicine in his body. Then he went downstairs and appeared in front of others, registering to open a room next door to Tang Mu's.

"Is there anyone?"


"Someone, help me..."

On the balcony, Tang Mu huddled in a corner and shouted weakly.

He wanted to go outside and knock on the door for help, but as the effect of the medicine in his body completely evaporated, he really had no strength at all now.

It was extremely difficult for him to even stand up, let alone break down the door.

The most important thing is that Si Nan was passed out very close to the door... He didn't dare to go! ! !

"Here comes someone..."


"Is there anyone who can save me?" Tang Mu shouted feebly.

Just when Tang Mu fell into deep despair...

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