Tang Mu is fine here, but Leng Su is in big trouble because of this...

Although she was wearing a mask, she was still recognized and photographed.

Moreover, because of her kicking in the door and her sudden and hurried departure with Tang Mu in her arms, the hotel quickly discovered something was wrong.

As hotel staff arrived, Si Nan, who was drugged and unconscious in the room, was also successfully discovered.

Leng Su was still guarding Tang Mu in the hospital when his manager, Sister Fang, called.

"My big star, what do you think is wrong with you?"

"Why did such a big scandal suddenly come out?"

"Also, where are you now?"

"In the hospital, Tang Mu is still unconscious." Leng Su said.

"Okay, I won't say much else. You can find a way to come to the hospital first. We will meet and discuss the details in detail."

"All right."

With that said, the two ended the call.

As soon as Leng Su put down his cell phone, he found a pair of strange middle-aged men and women suddenly rushing into the ward.

"What's wrong with Tang Mu?"

"How could he be in a coma when he was perfectly fine?"

"What happened?"

The middle-aged man and woman looked like a couple at first glance.

As soon as the woman entered the ward, she stared at Tang Mu, touching her forehead and face, her delicate face full of worry.

As for the middle-aged man, he stared at her as soon as he entered the door, and then asked her a bunch of questions.

"Who are you two?"

Faced with the question, Leng Su did not answer immediately. Instead, he stood up and looked at the two people with a polite smile.

"We are Tang Mu's parents."

"You must be Leng Su."

Before Father Tang spoke, Mother Tang spoke first.

Compared to Tang's father's harsh questioning, Tang's mother's tone was obviously gentle.

"Hello, uncle and aunt, I am Leng Su."

"I have heard this kid Amu talk about you in front of us before, and you are just like what he described."

"Miss Leng, can I ask you, what's going on with Amu?"

Faced with Tang's mother's inquiry, Leng Su smiled apologetically and explained.

"I don't know exactly what happened. If you two want to know the cause and effect of the matter, you can only wait until Tang Mu wakes up."

"I happened to be a little tired and went to that five-star hotel to rest. Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the room, I heard someone calling for help outside the balcony."

"I opened the balcony door and went out to take a look, only to find Tang Mu sitting on the ground on the balcony next door, his face red and frightening."

"I heard from the doctor that he seemed to have been given that kind of medicine..."

As soon as Leng Su said these words, Tang's father and Tang's mother's expression changed drastically on the spot.

"This brat!"

"I didn't let him enter the entertainment industry in the first place. He refused to listen. Now it's okay. He must have been plotted!!!"

Tang's father was so angry that he wanted to drag Tang Mu out of bed immediately, scold and beat him.

"Okay, what's the use of being angry now?"

"You have this time to be angry, why not find a way to find out what is going on."

"If you dare to touch someone from our Tang family, no matter who they are, we will never let them go."

"Honey, don't worry, I won't let those people go."

After the couple finished speaking, Mother Tang looked at Leng Su again, her attitude obviously much better than before.

"Miss Leng, I have to thank you for this incident."

"If it weren't for you, a brainless guy like Amu might have been tricked without even realizing it."

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