[Congratulations, Tang Mu's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 75 points. 】

After Leng Su visited Tang Mu, he chatted with him for a while and successfully gained 5 points of favorability from Tang Mu.

Seeing that it was getting late, Sister Fang also called and said that the literary director and a group of investors had invited her to dinner tonight, so she didn't stop and said goodbye to the three Tang family members.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Tang Muyi said reluctantly when he heard that Leng Su was leaving.

Hearing this, Leng Su chuckled and said, "It's getting late."

"The literary director and investors have invited me to dinner tonight. Sister Fang and I are going to go over and discuss matters related to the script with them."

"When the matter is resolved, we will be able to return to the crew and film together."

"So, you should also recover soon. I'm looking forward to the time of acting with you."

Upon hearing Leng Su's words, Tang Mu was instantly satisfied.

"Goddess, please be careful on the road."

"Oh, by the way, goddess, are you driving? If not, why not ask our driver to take you there." Tang Mu suggested.

"No need, Sister Fang is already waiting for me at the entrance of the hospital."

"You have a good rest, and I'll wait for you to be discharged from the hospital to film together."

"Okay then, bye goddess."

After saying goodbye to Tang Mu, Leng Su looked at Tang's father and Tang's mother in front of him again.

"Uncle and aunt, I'll leave first."

"Go slowly and be careful on the road." Mother Tang warned.


The entrance of the hospital.

Leng Su took Sister Fang's car directly to the box of a five-star hotel.

As soon as she entered the box, the literary director stepped forward like a gentleman, personally pulled out a stool for her, poured her wine himself, and offered her a toast.

"Susu, I'm really sorry for what happened this time."

"It's all our fault for believing in rumors and almost misunderstanding you."

"Come on, come on, I'll punish myself with a drink first to admit my mistake."

With that said, the literary director took a sip of the glass of wine very happily.

Then, he filled himself another cup and looked at Leng Su with an apologetic look.

"This glass of wine is to thank you, Susu, for being willing to come and have this meal."

As he spoke, he took another sip and the cup was full again.

"This glass of wine is to thank you for your appreciation and regard for me. I really appreciate you choosing the drama "Feng Fei Jiu Tian"."

"I believe that with Su Su's ability, you will be able to present the most perfect "Phoenix Flying to the Nine Heavens" in my mind."

After the literary director drank three glasses of wine, the atmosphere of the entire scene became lively.

Even Leng Su had a faint smile on her lips, and she did not refuse the toasts from the literary director and investors.

After three drinks, everyone's conversation finally returned to business.

The literary director took out two new contracts and handed them to Leng Su and his manager Sister Fang respectively.

"Su Su, this is the contract we have re-drafted. Take a look and see if there is anything you are not satisfied with. Tell us so that we can have someone change it directly."

Leng Su glanced at it roughly, and after seeing the price line, the corners of his mouth widened a bit.

Fifty million……

She thought these people would have to negotiate for several days, but she didn't expect that they would agree so quickly this time?

Could it be that there is some way to achieve this?

Thinking of this, Leng Su read the contract carefully again. Except for the change in price, everything else was almost the same as the contract she signed before...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

[The end of the sixth update, good night everyone, Mumada (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

Thank you [152****7 book store for the little fairy who rewarded me, (`) compare your feelings (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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