After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Leng Su took the pen handed to her by Sister Fang and re-signed her name.

After the contract was signed, Director Wen and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Leng Su pretended to ask casually: "Wasn't the crew short of funds before?"

Faced with her inquiry, Director Wen did not hide anything.

"Speaking of funds, we have to thank the Si family. This time they invested 100 million in our crew."

"Si family?" Hearing this, Leng Su frowned immediately.

Is Si Nan going abroad and still not quiet?

"Why would the Si family be willing to invest in us for no reason? Is there any mandatory requirement?" Leng Su asked.

"The person sent by the Si family to talk said that the 100 million is equivalent to an apology."

"It is said that they are sorry to the crew and said that they have implicated us this time."

"In addition, they asked us to take care of Tang Mu during the filming. This 100 million is also a kind of compensation for Tang Mu."

Hearing this, Leng Su felt that it was reasonable, but still felt that something was wrong.

After a moment of hesitation, she asked again: "Does the Si family have any other requirements?"

When Leng Su asked this question, a light bulb suddenly flashed in her mind, and she asked again.

"Did the Si family arrange any actors to join the group?"

"Hey, Su Su, how do you know?" Director Wen looked at her in surprise.

When she heard this, Leng Su unconsciously thought of the man who stopped her at the door of the hotel before...


This Si Nan is still not giving up! ! !

Or, should she just kill him directly?

Anyway, he is an outsider, and it's death sooner or later...

If she kills him now, Tang Mu will definitely feel guilty, and she can also take the opportunity to comfort Tang Mu and take the opportunity to brush up her favorability points.

Thinking of this, Leng Su instantly felt that this plan was feasible.

However, what she never expected was that before she could do anything, this Si Nan actually died...

"Ring, ring, ring."

Sister Fang's cell phone rang suddenly, and she hung up the phone with a weird look on her face within a minute after she answered the call.

"It crashed." Sister Fang said.

"It crashed?" Leng Su was stunned at first, and then she realized it belatedly.


"Yeah." Sister Fang nodded with a grim expression.

Leng Su: "..." People say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will appear.

Who does she want to get into trouble? Who will get into trouble?

Could it be that she is so powerful?

After a few sighs, Leng Su couldn't help frowning.

For her, the death of the outsider is obviously a good thing, but why is her heart suddenly so uneasy?

In so many missions, every time those outsiders died or were sent to the underworld by her, she never had such uneasy thoughts.

This is the first time...

Wen Dao, who was standing by, obviously guessed something through the communication between Leng Su and Sister Fang.

He immediately put down the wine glass, made a phone call, and asked someone to investigate what was going on.

Soon, Wen Dao also received a notice.

The plane that Si Nan, the eldest son of the Si family, was on really crashed...

At present, the rescuers have rushed there, but no specific news has been sent back.

At present, it is unknown whether the people on the plane are alive or dead...

"Su Su, Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Liu, something happened at the Si family. I'm afraid I need to go and express my condolences. How about we end it here tonight?"

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