Originally, they really wanted to help...

However, seeing Jiang Rui arranging everything in an orderly manner and following all the rules and procedures, the couple looked completely confused and their eyes darkened.

In the end, the couple had no choice but to leave the matter to Jiang Rui to handle and resolve.

Of course, in order not to tire Jiang Rui, the couple still found many people to help.

Later, after Leng Su was taken to the Jiang family, teenage Jiang Rui took care of Leng Su every day.

During that time, Leng Su had just lost his biological parents and was very emotionally unstable. He often had nightmares at night.

Jiang Rui moved his bed directly to Leng Su's room, and only after coaxing Leng Su to sleep every night would he go to bed.

During that time, Leng Su had nightmares and it was Jiang Rui who took care of him.

During that time, Leng Su couldn't eat, so Jiang Rui coaxed her to eat.

During that time, Leng Su was withdrawn and it was Jiang Rui who always accompanied her and guided her.

Leng Su was bullied at school. Jiang Rui rushed to Leng Su's class like a madman, regardless of whether he was in class or not.

At that time, Jiang Rui ignored the teacher in Leng Su's class and beat the group of people who bullied Leng Su to death one by one...

However, after beating those people, Jiang Rui still looked very handsome and hugged Leng Su and left the chaotic classroom in a very cool manner.

As Father Jiang and Mother Jiang narrated, the speechless look on Jiang Ying's face became more and more intense, and the corners of her mouth twitched more and more fiercely.

At the same time, Jiang Ying couldn't help but feel a trace of envy and jealousy in her heart.

Why are the treatment of her and Leng Su so different as they are both adopted daughters of the Jiang family?

It was obvious that Jiang Ying met Jiang Rui earlier than Leng Su. Why didn't Jiang Rui like her but was so fascinated by Leng Su?

What's so good about that cold soda?

If Jiang Rui hadn't been protecting her, she would have been worthless and would have been eaten alive without even knowing it.

Being with Jiang Rui will only drag Jiang Rui down and won't give him any help at all.

Only she, Jiang Ying, is resourceful, highly educated, and smarter than Leng Su. Only she, Jiang Ying, is worthy of Jiang Rui! ! !

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother did not notice Jiang Ying's strange expression, but continued to talk about Jiang Rui's "glorious life history."

"Back then, your mother and I took Susu to kindergarten."

"That time, because it was a holiday, there were so many people in the amusement park. When I went to buy tickets, I accidentally lost the child Susu."

"You don't know. After Jiang Rui found out about this, his eyes turned red on the spot."

"That kid is exaggerating. He took out all the pocket money he had saved since childhood, hired four to five hundred bodyguards, and blocked the entire amusement park..."

"That damn boy had red eyes, holding a loudspeaker, standing high on the playground, and yelling crazily at the crowd below..."

"You don't know, the children in the playground were scared to tears by him."

"Unexpectedly, after seeing those children crying, this damn kid not only didn't hold back, but instead increased his volume and continued to yell, while giving them cold looks one after another."

"In the end, those parents really had no choice but to hold their children tightly and coax them, hoping they would stop crying."

"Finally, we found the Susu child in the corner of the toilet in the playground..."

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