"At that time, when he saw Su Su, the child, who was all dirty and crying like a little cat, Jiang Rui just let go of his feet and ran over."

"He hugged Susu tightly and kept comforting and coaxing her. He also took out all kinds of delicious and fun things from his suit pocket."

"What kind of lollipops, what kind of marshmallows, what kind of chocolates, all kinds of things."

"Later, he took Susu back, leaving your mother alone. I apologized to the parents at the amusement park and was responsible for compensating them..."

"It just so happens that your mother and I have reached this point, and this damn boy Jiang Rui is still not satisfied."

"After that incident, this damn boy will never let your mother and I come into contact with that girl Leng Su again."

"That damn boy is guarding your mother against me just like I am guarding against a wolf. It's so crazy!"

When Jiang Mu talked about these old events, she talked a lot and complained a lot...

"So, Yingying, listen to Mom's advice and don't let your mind wander again."

"You can mess with anyone in our family, but you can't mess with that girl Leng Su."

"You have to know, that girl is something that even your parents and we don't dare to offend."

Faced with Jiang's mother's repeated warnings, Jiang Ying never listened, and instead fell into an even more twisted dead end.

She couldn't help but think crazily... Why could Leng Su have all this?

Why could she be protected so desperately by Jiang Rui?



Seeing Jiang Ying's absent-minded look, Jiang's father and mother Jiang couldn't help but call her out together.

After Jiang Ying came to her senses, she faced Father Jiang and Mother Jiang who were looking at her with worried expressions. She smiled and said, "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I'm fine."

"By the way, parents, can I ask a few questions?"

"Okay, you say."

"Why does Jiang Rui like Leng Su so much?"

"It's not like they're all girls. I'm obviously his biological sister. Why is he so nice to Leng Su and why is he so bad to me?" Jiang Ying couldn't help complaining.

Upon hearing her words, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang were speechless...

They also wanted to know why Jiang Rui was so obsessed with Leng Su! ! !

But the problem is, after so many years, they really don’t know...

Jiang Rui, that damn boy, was very tight-lipped. They asked many times, but that damn boy just refused to say anything. There was nothing they could do, and they were helpless.

As the saying goes... a child cannot help his mother!

Jiang Rui, that damn boy, is so precocious that their parents have long been just decorations for that damn boy...

They are also very angry!

Other families hope that their children will be successful, but only their family hopes that their children will be successful! ! !

Jiang Rui is so awesome, they are really useless as parents.

Facing Jiang Ying's questioning look, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother silently looked at each other and silently slandered Jiang Rui in their hearts.

Then, a smile appeared on the second elder's face, and he took Jiang Ying's hand to comfort her.

"Yingying, listen to your parents, that damn kid Jiang Rui is not good at all. We don't want him to feel any pain." Jiang's mother said angrily.

Hearing this, Jiang's father quickly echoed Jiang's mother's words and deceived Jiang Ying together.

"Yes, yes, you have parents who love you. We don't want that damn boy Jiang Rui!"

Jiang Ying: "..." Jiang Rui doesn't care about you at all, right? ? ?

PS: [The end of the sixth update, good night, moma (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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