In China, in the Jiang family, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother took Jiang Ying and chatted all night.

The two of them repeatedly warned Jiang Ying, telling her not to provoke Leng Su at all costs.

Jiang Ying sounds nice on the surface...

After all, Susu is her sister. Of course she won't bully her or anything.

It's okay to say that Jiang Rui doesn't love her, she has parents who love her and so on.

Under the comfort of Jiang Ying's sweet words, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother quickly went upstairs to sleep peacefully.

In the hall, Jiang Ying's expression changed again and again.

Finally, she couldn't help but stood up from the sofa, went up the stairs, and walked step by step towards the room where Leng Su was.

The door was opened, and the dreamy pink girl in that room almost blinded Jiang Ying's eyes.

Looking at everything exquisite in this room, the jealousy in Jiang Ying's heart rose rapidly...

It would be fine if Leng Su was the biological daughter of the Jiang family. At least she would feel more balanced.

She would only be jealous that Leng Su had a good pregnancy.

But unfortunately, neither Leng Su nor she was the biological daughter of the Jiang family.

Obviously, she and Leng Su were fostered in the Jiang family, so why did Leng Su live a better and happier life than her?

Why can't the person who has all this be her, Jiang Ying? ? ?

Thinking about what kind of life she had lived in her previous life, and then thinking about what kind of life Leng Su had lived in her previous life, the jealousy in Jiang Ying's heart became even more out of control.

Under the temptation of jealousy, Jiang Ying couldn't hold back the impulse in her heart...

She slowly walked into Leng Su's room and closed the door.


"Bang bang."

"Bang bang bang."


"Clang, clang, clang."


Here, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were just about to fall asleep when they suddenly heard violent noises coming from downstairs.

The couple looked at each other and hurriedly climbed out of bed, sorting out their clothes that had become messy and wrinkled due to intimacy.

After the second elder packed up, he quickly opened the door and went upstairs.

On the third floor, in front of Leng Su's room.

The two elders listened to the noise coming from inside, and a look of panic flashed across their faces at the same time.


Pills pills!

What kind of bloody thief is this?

There are so many rooms in this villa, why didn't the thief go to other rooms and chose the room of this girl Leng Su?

If that damn boy Jiang Rui found out about this, would the whole family be in turmoil?

When they thought of this, the two elders quickly grasped the self-defense weapons in each other's hands, turned the doorknob, and pushed the door open.

With a "squeak" sound, the door was opened.

With a "pop" sound, Father Leng fumbled for the switch on the wall and turned on the crystal lamp in the room.

As the lights came on, everything in Leng Su's room instantly came into view.

There is no one in the empty room...

The originally clean and tidy room was now frighteningly messy.

The lamp on the bedside table was smashed to the ground, and the exquisite crystal gifts on Leng Su's table were smashed to the ground.

The sheets and quilts were also torn into countless strips of cloth and thrown on the floor...

Leng Su's wardrobe was opened, and all the valuable clothes in the wardrobe were cut into pieces with scissors and were still on the ground...

The bedside table was overturned to the ground, Leng Su's dressing table was also smashed, and the skin care products and cosmetics were also smashed on the floor...

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