"Yingying, as a girl, you must take good care of yourself when you stay abroad. You must not wrong yourself."

"It's all about frugality. Our family doesn't need this little money. You can spend it however you like."

"Mom will ask your dad to put two million into your card later. You can use it first."

"When you get abroad, if you don't have enough money to spend, just tell your mom and she will ask your dad to call you."

Hearing Jiang's mother change her story, hearing that the money had changed from 500,000 to 2 million... Jiang Ying was quite happy.

After all, she was not the daughter of the Jiang family. Just in case, she had to find a way to save more money and leave an extra escape route for herself.

As for going abroad...

Jiang Ying seemed to have thought of something, and an intriguing smile appeared on her face as she buried her head in Jiang's mother's arms.

After the mother and daughter discussed it, Jiang's mother directly asked Jiang's father to put two million into Jiang Ying's card.

Immediately afterwards, she packed Jiang Ying's luggage herself and asked Jiang's father to book Jiang Ying's air ticket to go abroad.

After finishing all this, Jiang Ying went to the airport that day and got on the plane to go abroad.

However, what Jiang's father and Jiang's mother didn't know was that Jiang Ying arrived abroad and did not leave the airport after getting off the plane.

Instead, he came to another boarding gate and boarded a plane to another country...

Here, after Jiang's father and Jiang's mother sent Jiang Ying away, the couple stood at the door of Leng Su's room with a headache.

Facing the almost unrecognizable room in front of them, the couple looked at each other and almost cried on the spot.

"Uuuuuuuuah, what a bad old man, what should we do now?"

"You think if that damn kid Jiang Rui knew all this, would he rush back from abroad right now and kill us both?"

"He dares?" Jiang's father said angrily.

Since there were no outsiders around, Jiang's mother directly dismantled Jiang's father without being polite.

"This damn boy is so brave!!!"

Father Jiang: "..."

The couple looked at each other silently, each seeing a deep look of despair in each other's eyes.

"Then... how about we escape abroad?" Father Jiang couldn't help but suggest.

"Anyway, if we have money, we can play abroad for three, five or ten years."

“Or maybe you can travel around the world!”

"I believe that as time goes by, that damn boy Jiang Rui will definitely lose his temper!"

Hearing this, Jiang's mother nodded in agreement at first, and then quickly shook her head as if she remembered something.

"No, no, no, no, if we leave, what if Jiang Rui takes out all his anger on Yingying???"

Hearing this, Father Jiang nodded in agreement.


"Then...is it possible that the two of us really have to make such a heroic sacrifice?"

Jiang's mother said helplessly: "I don't want to either, but what can I do? Who gave you a good son?"

Hearing this, Father Jiang was dissatisfied: "That damn boy obviously crawled out of your belly, okay? How can I have the ability to give birth to such a bastard?"

Upon hearing Father Jiang's irresponsible words, Mother Jiang was also angry.

With trembling hands, she pointed at Father Jiang and said, "If you have the ability, say it again!!!"

"You mean you don't want to acknowledge Jiang Rui as your son, right?"

"Okay, okay, Jiang Ming, if you have the ability, just wait for me."

With that said, Jiang's mother took out her mobile phone in front of Jiang's father's horrified gaze...

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