When Jiang's father saw it, he was so frightened that he trembled all over.

He stepped forward and was about to snatch the mobile phone from Jiang's mother's hand, but unexpectedly, Jiang's mother was already prepared.

When he reached out, she took a step back and hid the phone behind her.

"Jiang Ming, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you very capable?"

"You don't admit that Jiang Rui is your son..."

Faced with Jiang's mother's half-smiling expression, Jiang's father felt like crying but had no tears.

He clasped his hands together and kept begging Jiang's mother for mercy: "Wife, wife, I really know I was wrong."

"Beauty, great beauty, I really know my mistake, please forgive me this time."

"Hmph, hum!" Jiang's mother hummed with a proud look on her face.

"Honey, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Honey, I am the man who loves you the most in the world."

"Honey, we are the most perfect couple in the world."

"Honey, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me this time."

Although Jiang's father praised him without hesitation, looking at his cowardly look, Jiang's mother felt very satisfied.

She asked proudly: "Let me ask you, who gave birth to Jiang Rui?"

"I, I, I." Jiang's father nodded and admitted.

Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Mu's mouth cracked even wider.

"Let me ask you, whose belly did Jiang Rui crawl out of?"

"Me, me, me." Jiang's father once again admitted with humiliation.

"Then let me ask you again, whose son is Jiang Rui?"

"Me me me."

"Wife, beauty, I admit that Jiang Rui is my son. The reason why Jiang Rui is so messy and unreliable is all inherited from me."

"Wife, just forgive me..."

After hearing what Jiang's father said, Jiang's mother was finally satisfied.

She took out her phone, exited the main interface of the phone, then stuffed the phone back into her pocket and stretched out her hand towards Father Jiang.

"My legs are weak and I have no strength. I want to go back to my room and sleep..."

Seeing this, Jiang's father could only bear the humiliation and step forward, squat down beside Jiang's mother, and let Jiang's mother climb up his back...

As Jiang's father carried Jiang's mother tremblingly downstairs, he had another thing on his mind.

"Honey, when will you delete that photo?"

"Who told you that I was going to delete that photo?"

"My husband is so handsome, I want to keep that photo for the rest of my life!" Jiang's mother said excitedly.

Hearing this, Father Jiang almost cried...

"Honey, I can do whatever you want, I just ask you to delete that photo." Jiang's father begged.

Hearing this, Mother Jiang blurted out without even thinking about it: "Impossible!"

"Jiang Ming, just dream. I will never delete that photo."

"And you're dying."

"Of course, don't try to smash my phone or computer."

"You smashed so many of my cell phones and computers before, but this photo is still in my hands..."

"Let me tell you, I have kept many, many copies of this photo. It is absolutely impossible for you to destroy the body and eliminate the traces."

Father Jiang: "..." Why did he blindly fall in love with this devil in the first place? ? ?

One misstep will lead to eternal hatred! ! !

Jiang's father felt all kinds of regrets in his heart.

Seeing the annoyed look on his face, Jiang's mother couldn't help but smile mischievously.

That photo was her magic weapon to make a comeback. Even if she was stupid, she would never delete it! ! !

PS: [The remaining two chapters will be updated tonight. I’m going to write and save the manuscript. Everyone, go to bed early. Good night, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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