Just as the two looked at each other affectionately, a sudden ringtone broke the beautiful atmosphere in front of them...

"Ring, ring, ring."

A trace of impatience flashed in Jiang Rui's eyes.

He took out his mobile phone with an unhappy look on his face. After seeing the caller clearly, he hung up the phone without any hesitation.

"Brother, maybe your parents have something urgent to talk to you about?"

Looking at her excited little face, Jiang Rui still had something to understand.

He stretched out his hand to scratch her high nose bridge and said, "Want to watch a show?"

"Brother is the person who understands me best in the world."

Leng Su grinned and leaned over to kiss Jiang Rui on the side of his cheek.

After getting a sweet kiss, Jiang Rui was in a good mood.

Therefore, when Jiang's father called again, Jiang Rui miraculously did not hang up the phone and answered it.

After turning on the speaker, Jiang Rui put the phone in front of Leng Su so that she could hear clearly.

"Jiang Rui, you bastard, I want to ask you, when did you install the camera?"

"Did you get permission from me and your mother to install the camera?"

"Also, who allowed you to install the camera in Susu's room?"

"Susu is a grown-up girl, how can you install a camera in her room?"

"If this gets out, how can you let Susu live in the future? How can she get married?"

"Bastard, you really have your wings hardened, you are so awesome, right?"

Faced with Jiang's father's scolding, Jiang Rui was not angry, but raised his eyebrows and said: "You don't need to worry about Susu's affairs."

"That's my daughter? Why can't I worry about it?"

"Also, what is the meaning of the video you sent us?" Jiang's father asked angrily.

"Dad, I remember that although you and mom have poor eyesight, your eyesight is pretty good."

The implication is that the video has been sent to you, what does it mean that you can't see it yourself?

Jiang's father on the other end of the phone was successfully disgusted by Jiang Rui.

He covered his chest and panted violently for several times before continuing to ask: "Let me ask you, what did you do to Yingying?"

"Don't worry, I'll leave you a breath."

"Jiang Rui!!!"

When Jiang Rui said this, Jiang's father was furious.

Just when Jiang's father was about to warn someone, someone decisively ended the call, threw away the phone, lifted Leng Su's little face and kissed her.

Leng Su was confused: "..." What happened out of the blue?

Why did she feel that Jiang Rui seemed angry?

She didn't seem to have done anything just now?

Why did he suddenly get so angry?

After a crazy kiss, Leng Su was thrown onto the sofa by someone and held tightly in his arms.

Jiang Rui bit her round earlobe and pressed, "Who does Su Su like?"


"Who does Su Su like the most?"


"Does Su Su love brother?"


"Who does Su Su want to marry?"


Hearing this, Leng Su's brain finally reacted belatedly.

Is this guy angry because of what Jiang's father said just now?

Thinking of this, Leng Su changed from passive to active, turned her head and hugged Jiang Rui's head.

She lowered her head and kissed Jiang Rui on his thin lips, cheeks, and forehead.

She looked at Jiang Rui with a firm face and said, "Su Su likes brother, she likes brother the most."

"Except brother, Su Su will never marry anyone in this life!!!"

PS: [Question 4: In the plane of "Beast Mermaid VS Paranoid White Tiger", what are the two reasons for Su Su to return to the sea? 】

【The correct answer to question 3 is the fairy "蒾玫", dear, please remember to take a screenshot of your answer, muah (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

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