After finishing the overseas affairs, Leng Su and Jiang Rui were also preparing to return to China.

That night, the video about the mixed-race man and Jiang Ying was sent to Jiang Rui's mobile phone.

After Jiang Rui handed her the mobile phone, he rubbed her hair and told her: "Go to bed quickly after watching it. I will pack your luggage for you. We will return to China early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thank you brother."

While taking the mobile phone, Leng Su leaned over and kissed Jiang Rui on the cheek.

Jiang Rui's eyes flashed, and he pressed the back of her head, pressed her head to him and kissed him hard for a long time.

After the kiss, Jiang Rui let go of the panting Leng Su. His face was not red, and he was not out of breath. He got up and packed his luggage with a calm face.

Leng Su glared at the hypocritical person with a bad temper, lay down on the bed silently, opened the mobile phone and looked at the video inside.

Compared with Jiang Ying, the mixed-race man's fate was more miserable.

He was severely beaten, and then locked in a small dark room with dead silence for three days and three nights without food or water.

Even the toilet was done on the spot...

After being locked up for three days, the mixed-race man was thrown out.

On the side of the road, the mixed-race man fell to the ground, squinting his eyes and looking at the sky above his head, with a look of relief on his face.

As if he was thankful for his survival.

As for Jiang Ying, Jiang Rui had her beaten up, but he didn't hit her anywhere else, just her face...

Jiang Ying's pretty little face suddenly swelled into a blue and purple pig face.

Jiang Ying's mobile phone and financial information were all taken back by Jiang Rui, and Jiang Ying herself was thrown into a small alley in Paris like the mixed-race man.

Leng Su and Jiang Rui just left.

Jiang's house.

As soon as Leng Su and Jiang Rui entered the door, Jiang's father and mother walked towards them with angry faces.

"Jiang Rui, you bastard, stop right there!"

"I'm asking you, where did you take Yingying?"

"Why can't I get through to her when I call her? How can I contact her?"

"Yingying is your biological sister. If you dare to do anything to her, then you can't recognize me and your mother!"

Facing the anger of Jiang's father and mother, Jiang Rui was very calm from beginning to end.

He calmly embraced Leng Su and walked in, calmly let Leng Su sit on the sofa, poured her a glass of water, and carefully wiped her temples with some essential oils.

While rubbing, he asked, "Do you feel better?"

"Well, thank you, brother." Leng Su smiled sweetly.

Facing Jiang Rui's behavior, Jiang's father and mother felt that their throats were stuck and they couldn't breathe, and they felt bad all over.

"Jiang Rui!!!"

"You idiot, I'm asking you a question. Are you deaf or dumb?"

"You idiot, where did you take Yingying?"

"What did you do to Yingying?"

"Yingying did something wrong this time, but she is your sister anyway. Do you have to be so cruel to her for such a small matter?"

"Our family is not short of money. Since those things that were smashed have already been smashed, the worst that can happen is that we can just buy new ones."

"Do you have to keep harping on such a small matter?"

Faced with the questioning of Jiang's father and mother, Jiang Rui remained silent and ignored them.

His hands continued to rub Leng Su's temples and shoulders.

Jiang Rui stopped his hand until Leng Su's frown slowly relaxed. In front of Jiang's father and mother, he pecked Leng Su's red lips...

PS: [Asking for votes every day, April 6, the fourth update is over, good night, muah (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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