"The witch..."


Leng Su raised his hand and slapped him hard!

Before Nan Lichen finished speaking, he tilted his head and lowered his eyelids.

Facing the palace where peace had finally been restored, Leng Su finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Nan Lichen who finally calmed down on the big bed, Leng Su thought with a headache...

There is no way to continue like this. Nan Lichen has been raised crookedly, and the idea of ​​"good and evil are not mutually exclusive" has become deeply ingrained in his heart.

Now that the internal situation within the Demon Cult is in chaos, it is too difficult for her to keep him alone...

It seems that the top priority is to find a way to get this guy out of the Demon Cult.

Otherwise, once the Demon Lord is alerted or the Demon Lord comes to her, it will be a real pill.

Thinking about it, Leng Su turned over and lay beside Nan Lichen. She lay on her side, and kept poking Nan Lichen's face with her index finger...

This guy is getting more and more handsome and charming.

Perhaps because those who cultivated immortality had experienced the process of cleansing their essence and cutting off their marrow, Nan Lichen's skin was really so good.

It's white, tender and delicate, so fine that no pores can be seen.

If this were put into modern times, girls would definitely be jealous to the point of madness.

While Nan Lichen was unconscious, Leng Su touched, kissed and hugged...

After eating enough tofu and taking advantage, Leng Su waved his hand and took Nan Lichen into her space.

After getting up and straightening her messy clothes, she slowly walked towards the exit of the Demon Cult...

When Nan Lichen woke up again, he found that he was no longer in the Demon Sect.

The air around him was no longer filled with strong demonic energy, but instead was filled with spiritual energy that made him feel comfortable and smooth.

There is also a strong aroma of barbecue in the air...

Nan Lichen opened his mouth and looked at the source of the scent.

I saw Leng Su sitting by the fire, holding a wooden stick in his hand, with a prepared pheasant stuck in the front of the stick.

"Hey, are you awake?"

A familiar girl's teasing voice sounded.

Nan Lichen looked up and saw Leng Su staring at him with a half-smile.

"Want to eat?"

Noticing that one of his eyes was lingering on the pheasant meat, Leng Su asked.

Hearing this, Nan Lichen forced himself to look away and not look.


However, his stomach betrayed him by making the most real sound.

Nan Lichen: "..."

Just when he was annoyed, the scent of pheasant meat was getting closer and closer...

Looking at the pheasant meat that was suddenly handed to him, Nan Lichen's first reaction was to stare at Leng Su defensively.

Seeing this, Leng Su said with a smile: "If I really wanted to do something to you, I wouldn't wait until now."

When Nan Lichen heard this, his expression froze, and then he slowly returned to his natural state.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

Facing the constant wailing sound from his stomach, and facing the roasted pheasant that kept exuding the fragrance in front of him, Nan Lichen's Adam's apple couldn't help but roll up and down.

The gaze that had finally moved away slowly became uncontrollable, moving back bit by bit, and finally landed on the roasted pheasant...

He subconsciously swallowed the saliva in his mouth and slowly extended his sinful claws towards the pheasant meat.

Seeing his hand getting closer and closer to the pheasant meat, Nan Lichen's expressionless face couldn't help but reveal a touch of excitement.

However, at that critical moment...

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