
The meat is gone!

The meat is gone!

Nan Lichen's eyes widened and his breathing stopped.

"It's delicious. The meat is so fragrant. It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside..." Leng Su ate with gusto and spoke deliberately to stimulate someone.

Nan Lichen was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Leng Su, who was eating deliciously.

"Witch, you!"

Looking at Nan Lichen's red cheeks, Leng Su pretended to be confused and asked: "Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Didn't you say you didn't want to eat it..."

"If you don't eat, what's wrong with me eating?" Leng Su asked.

Nan Lichen: "!!!"

He finally understood that this enchantress did it on purpose. She seduced him on purpose just to see him make a fool of himself.

Nan Lichen was so angry that he stood up on the spot and prepared to leave without saying a word.

As a result, before he had even taken two steps, Leng Su's Immortal Binding Lock appeared out of nowhere and clung to him...

The other end of the Immortal Binding Lock was held tightly by Leng Su.

Facing the angry look he looked at, Leng Su smiled proudly: "How is it? My weapon refining skills are great."

"This bundle of immortal locks can not only bind Yuanying stage monks who are a level higher than me in cultivation, it can also become invisible..."


So, the rope never left his body, right?

"Witch, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Since you didn't capture me from the Demon Cult, why are you pestering me to leave?"

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled charmingly and said, "It's not like I can't let you go..."

"It's just that you slept in my bed after all and wasted my precious time to save you from the demon sect. You said...should you repay me?"

As soon as Leng Shi said these words, Nan Lichen's expression changed, but he did not refute.

With a thought, a light flashed in his palm, and a white jade bottle appeared in his palm.

Using spiritual power, he controlled the white jade bottle to float in front of Leng Su.

"This is the seventh-grade Restoration Pill. After your spiritual power is exhausted during the battle, you only need to take one Restoration Pill, and the spiritual power in your body will be restored to its peak in an instant."

"I'll give you the Restoration Pill, so you and I can settle the matter!"

After Nan Lichen finished speaking, he saw that Leng Su was reluctant to accept the Restoration Pill. Instead, he looked at him with a half-smile.

Nan Lichen thought Leng Su was dissatisfied that the thank you gift was not enough. Although his expression was not very good, he still took out another defensive robe from the Qiankun Ring.

"This is a defensive robe. It can withstand a full blow from a monk in the transformation stage. It can be used to save lives at critical moments."

With that said, Nan Lichen delivered these two items to Leng Su.


Leng Su still looked indifferent.

Seeing this, Nan Lichen's face became increasingly ugly.

Facing the unknown smile on Leng Su's face, Nan Lichen gritted his teeth, took off his Qiankun Ring, and sent it to Leng Su.

This time, Leng Su finally smiled.

She waved her sleeves and returned those things directly to Nan Lichen. She stood up and walked towards him step by step.

"I don't want your Recovery Pill, your defensive robe, or your Qiankun Ring. I just want you..."


Nan Lichen was caught off guard by the kiss.

Looking at Leng Su's delicate face so close, feeling the warm touch on her lips, and feeling the girl's fragrance at the tip of her nose, Nan Lichen was dumbfounded...

Thump thump thump.

His heart was beating violently in his chest.

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