As soon as Leng Su said these words, the white-clothed city lord smiled.

"As expected of a saint from the devil's sect, she is not afraid of offending the monks in the world with her words."

"But... this city lord likes it."

"Since you didn't take the initiative to provoke, but to protect yourself, then even if I let you go once, it doesn't break the rules."

Upon hearing the words of the white-clothed city lord, the expressions of the guards in Sifang City changed on the spot.

"City Lord, this is against the rules..."

Hearing this, the city lord in white smiled wantonly: "I, the city lord, are the rules!"

These seven simple words successfully blocked all the Sifang City guards and the people who were eating melons.

Only when they are impatient will they provoke Mahayana monks.

Before leaving, the city lord in white did not forget to glance at Leng Su and Nan Lichen beside her with a joking look on his face.

Because they caused too much noise, as soon as the white-clothed city lord and the guards left, the doctor at the medical center looked at them with a troubled expression.

"You two, I am really helpless..."

He didn't want to chase people away, but the problem was that Nan Lichen and Leng Su were too hated.

There is nothing wrong with fighting in Sifang City. How can this make other people feel embarrassed?

What's more, there were so many people watching the show just now, and Leng Su actually said such hateful words in front of everyone.

Although what she said is true, the problem is that it makes people hate her!

Leng Su looked at Nan Lichen and said, "Let's go. Now, except for the property of the City Lord's Mansion, no one else dares to take us in."

"Go to Sifang Inn. As for my body, I won't die for a while."

With that said, Leng Su walked towards the outside.

As a result, before taking two steps, his body went limp and fell towards the ground.

Seeing this, Nan Lichen quickly stepped forward, caught her firmly, and held her in his arms.

A doctor on the side saw this scene and his mouth twitched...

This guy pills!

Look, this little girl eats him to death.

Needless to say, this young man will definitely be a strict wife in the future! ! !

Nan Lichen picked up Leng Su and strode outside the medical center regardless of her struggle.

And Leng Su just struggled a few times symbolically, that's all.

Sifangcheng Inn.

Nan Lichen and Leng Su stayed temporarily. In order to treat Leng Su's injuries and the poison in his body, Nan Lichen visited all the medical clinics in Sifang City, large and small.

But no matter how many doctors he invited, they would always shake their heads at him and mutter something like "there is no cure for this poison"...

Seeing that Leng Su's condition was getting worse and worse, Nan Lichen's mood gradually became lower.

This day.

Leng Su's face rarely looked better, but the worry in Nan Lichen's heart never faded.

Just when he was about to go out to look for the doctor again, Leng Su stopped him.

"Nan Lichen..."

Nan Lichen turned back to look at her.

"I want to go somewhere, can you drop me off?"

A deserted mountain.

Looking at everything unfamiliar, looking at the former Leng family ruins in the memory of the original owner, now only a pile of lush weeds remained, Leng Su's face was filled with a look of confusion.

"Dad, mother, I'm sorry."

"It was Su Su Wuyou. After more than ten years of investigation, he still could not find any trace of the massacre that year."

"Now, Susu will also come to accompany you..."

"Dad, mother, Susu misses you so much..."

Leng Su looked at everything in front of her with a sad face, but beside her, Nan Lichen felt as if she had been struck by lightning...

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