The guess in my heart was finally confirmed at this moment.

As the mountain breeze blew by, Leng Su's face looked extremely pale, as if her whole body would be blown away by the wind...

Nan Lichen felt his heart suffocate. He stepped forward unexpectedly, took out the cloak from the space and put it on Leng Su's shoulders.

His big hand grabbed her small hand on her side and looked at her with burning eyes: "I won't let you die."

Nan Lichen said firmly, with a look of determination on his face and eyes.

Hearing this, Leng Su didn't say anything, just looked back at him quietly and smiled...

At this moment, Leng Su's smile fell in Nan Lichen's eyes like the July sun, not only bright and warm, but also dazzling.

[Congratulations, Nan Lichen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 50 points. 】


As the two looked at each other, the sound of sharp swords piercing the air suddenly sounded.

Leng Su's first reaction was to protect Nan Lichen, and flew forward to fight with the masked man.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng."

The sound of clashing swords continued.

"Boom boom boom."

The sword energies of the two collided and continued to explode in all directions.

After taking out the natal spiritual sword from his dantian, Nan Lichen also flew forward and fought with the masked man.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng."

"Boom boom boom."

Just when the three of them were fighting each other, something dark suddenly appeared in the masked man's left hand.

Nan Lichen didn't react much and still rushed forward with his sword in hand.

On the other hand, Leng Su's pupils shrank violently after seeing this.

She gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack, and instead quickly stepped forward and blocked Nan Lichen.

"Bang!" gunfire sounded.


Not surprisingly, Leng Su was shot.

Nan Lichen hugged Leng Su, but the masked man did not give up and leave.

The gun in the opponent's hand suddenly turned into several grenades and was thrown towards them...



"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Grenades were bombing continuously, and Leng Su's remaining consciousness allowed her to suppress Nan Lichen tightly under her body.

Faced with the explosions and flying dust all around, Nan Lichen's eyes widened with disbelief.

He struggled wildly, but Leng Su's strength was astonishing.

Obviously, his cultivation level is higher than hers.

Obviously, she was seriously injured and poisoned, but at this moment she was still protecting him desperately.

Looking at Nan Lichen's shocked expression below him, Leng Su's lips curved weakly.

She showed an extremely twisted smile, lowered her head and kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

"Nan Lichen, I, Xi, Huan, you..."

After saying that, hot blood flowed from the corner of her mouth to his thin lips.

Suddenly, the temperature of Leng Su's body rose sharply.

The surrounding spiritual energy suddenly became crazy, forming countless spiritual tornadoes.

Slowly, these tornadoes of spiritual power gradually overlap and merge together.

A spiritual tornado so huge that it alarmed the entire world of cultivation appeared on this wasteland...

At the center of the tornado, Nan Lichen clung tightly to Leng Su's body and refused to let go.

His indifference caused the surrounding spiritual storm to scratch his body with countless scars, and traces of blood continued to overflow, dyeing his white robe red...

The masked man on the side saw that something was wrong, a hint of unwillingness flashed in his black eyes, gritted his teeth, and finally flew away.

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