At the same time, in the Demon Sect, the Demon Lord who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the barren mountain with excitement...

At the same time, the Zhenzong ancestors of the various sects of the righteous path also widened their eyes and looked at the location of the barren mountain with disbelief...

Faced with the spiritual storm that was coming from all directions, Nan Lichen could not hold on for long.

He passed out, but his hands, which were beyond recognition and covered with blood, still tightly imprisoned Leng Su in his arms...

At this moment, Leng Su's eyes opened a crack with difficulty.

She stretched out her hand towards Nan Lichen with difficulty, and with a thought, she gently pushed him down to the bottom of the tornado.

At the same time, she endured the discomfort in her body, struggled to exert a burst of spiritual power, and set up a defensive barrier around Nan Lichen's body.

Almost at the same time as he finished all this, Leng Su closed his eyes completely and feebly...

A powerful energy burst out from her body, engulfing her whole body.

Her whole body felt hot and uncomfortable, as if this body suddenly didn't feel like hers, out of control and suffering.

The limbs and bones seemed to be undergoing a rebirth.

The pain continues to increase, the heartbreaking pain becomes more and more obvious, the cramping and bone-picking pain becomes more and more obvious...

In the end, Leng Su's brain seemed to have stopped thinking.

In addition to pain, the whole person is still in pain...

Endless pain overwhelmed her.


Finally, she couldn't help but roared in the sky.

At the same time, a huge energy spread towards the entire world of cultivation with her as the center...

"The devil appears!"

"The devil appears!"

"The devil appears!"

With the emergence of this energy, the entire world of cultivation fell into turmoil.

No one thought that the demon god who had disappeared for tens of millions of years would actually return.

Various sects in the world of cultivation and demon cultivators from the demon sect rushed towards the barren mountain where Leng Su was.

After screaming, Leng Su found that the desperate pain in her body seemed to disappear.

There is a huge amount of energy in the body, and there is a trace of burning heat in the middle of the eyebrows.

At the same time, some inherited memories appeared in her mind...

An ancient self-sealing demon? ? ?

Is she a demon?

Damn it!

Why wasn't it mentioned in the plot she received?

Forget it, let the devil be the devil, it’s not a big deal anyway.

Thinking of this, Leng Su thought, and the crazy spiritual tornado around him stopped and slowly disappeared.

After her feet landed, she immediately walked to Nan Lichen's side, squatted down, and put her hand on his wrist.

Fortunately, it was just a little trauma.

After confirming that Nan Lichen was fine, Leng Su let go of his hand and used the medical books in his body to repair Nan Lichen's injuries.

But don't want to...

While she was repairing it, a sudden roar sounded.

"Witch, let go of Li Chen!"


Accompanying the other party's words, there was the sound of a sharp sword piercing the air...

"Lord, be careful!"

Before Leng Su could make any move, another voice sounded from behind her.

At the same time, a familiar figure rushed out, flew in front of her, and blocked the attack of the Sword Sect leader for her.

"Witch, let go of my senior brother!"

"Everyone, rush forward, rescue Senior Brother, and kill this witch!"

"Lord Protector!!!"

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