In just a few breaths, these righteous sects and the demon cultivators brought by the demon king were fighting to the death...

Leng Su: "..." She just wants to find a handsome man for herself. She doesn't want to participate in this so-called battle between good and evil at all! ! !


"Bang bang bang!"

"Ah! Senior brother, save me!"

"Ah, master, save me!"

"Junior sister, be careful..."

"Junior brother..."

"Senior sister..."

All around, various wails and screams continued to sound.

Leng Su silently glanced at Nan Lichen who was about to wake up in his arms. Without saying a word, he picked up the beauty and ran away.

"I am not interested in your battle between good and evil, so you fight slowly."

Just as Leng Su was leaving with Nan Lichen in his arms, the Sword Sect leader wanted to chase him, but was entangled by the Demon Lord and couldn't get away...

At this moment, his sharp eyes spotted a figure hiding in the darkness!

"Master, save Li Chen quickly!" The leader of the Sword Sect shouted towards a wretched figure in front of him.

When he shouted like this, a certain wretched figure froze and couldn't help but mutter.


"This bastard is so old, why are his eyes still so sharp?"

"Can we still let him complete his mission properly?"

A certain unreliable ancestor was originally unwilling to catch up, but obviously, staying here was not a wise move.

If that young disciple saw him with his own eyes and refused to save him, he would definitely be annoyed and talked about to death for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, a certain unreliable ancestor flew slowly and chased after Leng Su and Nan Lichen in the direction they left...

In a certain big mountain not far from the barren mountain, in a certain cave.

As soon as Leng Su packed up the cave and put Nan Lichen on the soft blanket, a wretched figure appeared outside the cave.

"Beauty, have you captured that boy Nan Lichen?"

Hearing this, Leng Su looked at him with a smile but not a smile: "Take it?"

"Yes, I stripped him naked and sent him to your bed. You haven't fucked him yet, right?"

"Do you think that everyone is like you? As the ancestor of the Sword Sect, if you want to find you, you have to go to the Goulan Courtyard in the human world?" Leng Su said sarcastically.

Hearing this, a certain unreliable ancestor blushed.

He became angry and said: "What do you know? People who have reached my level of cultivation will generally not make much progress or breakthroughs by sitting in a cave and cultivating."

"Although I went to Goulan Courtyard, my purpose was to experience the various aspects of life, to break through my own state of mind, to break through the Mahayana period of cultivation, to ascend to the immortal world, to benefit the cultivation world, and to let them see that there is hope for ascending... "

Leng Su stood there quietly, watching a certain unreliable ancestor shamelessly open his eyes and tell lies.

"This is the first time I've heard someone talk about sleeping with a girl in Goulan Courtyard in such a fresh and refined way..." Leng Su said sarcastically.

"Beauty, don't talk about me anymore. In fact, we are just the same."

"Didn't you try every possible means to sleep with Nan Lichen?"

Hearing this, Leng Su stared at an unreliable ancestor with a half-smile.

Being swept away by her cold gaze, a certain ancestor trembled all over and quickly shut up.

Seeing Leng Su turn around and go into the cave to see Nan Lichen's back, a certain unreliable ancestor couldn't help but murmur to himself...

"I don't know who came to me back then and asked me to be more diligent. As soon as I got the chance, I stripped Nan Lichen naked and threw her on your bed!"

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