The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1979 Fantasy: Heaven’s Proud Daughter VS Downtrodden Prince (16)

"My father..."

"He... hurts me so much!"

Leng Su racked his brains to come up with such a non-technical adjective.

"Daughter control" doesn't just mean that he is too idle. He doesn't do anything serious all day long and only focuses on her.

Looking back at the scenes in the original owner's memory, Leng Su couldn't help but feel ashamed.

This coldness is really... too crazy, too exaggerated.

When I wake up early every morning, I care about whether the original owner has eaten, whether the clothes he is wearing today are comfortable, and whether he likes the jewelry.

The original owner wanted to go out, but he was worried and had to accompany him in person!

The original owner wanted to practice, but he was worried and had to stay by his side personally!

The original owner wanted to find someone for actual combat training, but he was worried and had to play in person!

You said you're just a sparring partner. If you're a sparring partner and you don't do anything, you just wait for her to do it, what kind of sparring partner are you?

She had already made a move, but he still didn't fight back and would just avoid her.

Until finally, the original owner couldn't bear it anymore and resorted to a hunger strike, forcing Leng Lie to send her to Dou Qi Academy.

There is no way, if she doesn't leave, according to her cold virtue, she will really be raised to death.

As for the rumors outside, the rumor that Leng Lie had to send his daughter to Dou Qi Academy because he wanted to retreat and break through, that is completely false news that someone deliberately spread! ! !

Leng Lie said that he wanted to lose face!

Can outsiders know about being disliked by your own daughter?

If outsiders find out, where will his dignity as King Xiaoyao go?

Seeing the indescribable expression on Leng Su's face, combined with Leng Lie's series of actions just now, Su Feng had a rough understanding of the relationship between father and daughter.

"Is your injury okay?" Su Feng asked.

This was the first time Leng Su saw such obvious concern on his face and eyes.

She smiled and shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

She wanted to be busy, at least now she could take the opportunity to increase her favorability.

However, the "daughter control" arrived just in time and disturbed her...

So angry! ! !

Looking at Leng Su's rosy cheeks and thinking about the scene where she spit out the healing medicine that Leng Lie had stuffed into her mouth, Su Feng didn't ask any more questions.

Also, if she was really in trouble, she wouldn't have spit out the medicine just now.

The two of them hid in this small cave, speechless one after another, and a strange atmosphere surrounded them.

Sufeng found that his attention always fell on her involuntarily.

In her mind, she can't help but recall the scene where she tried her best to knock him down under the fire phoenix's attack...

He was very happy that King Xiaoyao arrived in time.

Otherwise, she will...

Thinking of the extremely dangerous scene at that time, and thinking of Leng Su's desperate behavior to block the attack for him, Su Feng was surrounded by a strange emotion in his heart.

[Congratulations, Sufeng's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 30 points. 】

Regarding Leng Su, Su Feng felt very complicated.

When she gave him the elixir to help him deal with the strange power in his Dantian, he had doubted whether she had other motives.

But later, after he calmed down and thought about it, he found that there was nothing in him that she could plot or calculate.

He knew very well that the only thing he could be used and calculated against was his identity as the "Seventh Prince".


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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