The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1980 Fantasy: The proud daughter of heaven VS the downtrodden prince (17)


With her status and cultivation, she could get close to those princes who were more favored than him, more powerful than him, and more powerful than him.

Her status and cultivation are a huge help to any prince in the Shenwu Kingdom and even the Four Kingdoms.

If she really wants to scheme or plot something, she has too many targets to choose from.

To put it bluntly, it would be more useful for her to choose any prince than choosing him.

His Sufeng wasn't worth it at all, it wasn't worth her risking her life to save her in such a critical moment...

It was precisely because after thinking through all this mess that Su Feng found that he was a little confused.

He didn't understand why she was so nice to him...

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Tap tap tap."

While the two were speechless, there was a sudden violent turbulence on the ground beneath their feet.

Leng Su closed his eyes and felt it carefully, then opened his eyes, looked at Su Feng and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Go pick up the leak." Leng Su said.

Deep in the Warcraft Forest.

As Leng Su and Su Feng walked along, there was silence all around.

As they went deeper, more and more corpses of monsters appeared in their sight.

The flowers, plants and trees all around were violently destroyed, and the pressure of the powerful fighting spirit after the battle still lingered in the air.

As Leng Su walked, he quickly put the corpses of monsters all over the ground into the space bracelet.

Su Feng seemed to understand something when he saw this, and he followed her to pick up the corpses of monsters all over the ground...

However, the capacity of his space bag was too small, and it was already full before it could even contain a few corpses of monsters.

At this time, Leng Su noticed something strange about him. Seeing him standing there with a strange expression on his face while holding the space bag, she seemed to understand something.

With a change of backhand, a small jade ring appeared in her palm.

She stepped forward and handed the wrench in her hand to him.

"Hurry up and shed your blood to recognize the master."

"I can't..." Stop.

Before Su Feng finished speaking, Leng Su put the jade ring finger into his palm.

"Hurry up, don't waste time. If you delay any longer, by the time everyone reacts, we may not be able to win this game."

Su Feng is not stupid.

Looking at the movements around here, we can tell that King Xiaoyao must have solved the problem of this Warcraft craze.

Now, the World of Warcraft craze has just been resolved, and everyone has not yet reacted. They must be thinking of leaving the dangerous place of Warcraft Forest as soon as possible.

What they can do now is take advantage of the moment to "sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor" and bring back these monster corpses as evidence of their victory in this game.

In this way, even if everyone reacts, the Warcraft Forest has just experienced the turmoil of this beast tide. The monsters were dying, injured, and hiding. Not to mention killing so many monsters, it was hard to say whether they would be able to see so many monsters.

Thinking of this, Su Feng stopped being coy.

He tightened his fingers and silently clenched the jade ring in his palm...

His nails dug deeply into his palms, and a red fighting spirit lit up in his palms.

The next second, he felt an extra connection with the jade ring in his mind.

After seeing the huge space capacity in the jade ring finger, Su Feng's face stiffened for a moment, and he looked up at Leng Su in front, his eyes filled with shock.

He looked deeply, deeply at Leng Su's busy back, with a complicated look on his face.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There will be more later, wait a moment

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