Xiao He ate very quickly and solved the problem in just half an hour...

After throwing away the lunch box, he looked at the time and then sent another message to Leng Su.

Xiao He: [Dad, digestion is over, it’s time to code! 】

Leng Su: [I'm sleepy...so sleepy, so sleepy. I'm going to take a nap. 】

Xiao He: "..." He has an MMP that he must say! ! !

Xiao He: [My dear, taking a nap in the afternoon makes people corrupt. You should write a chapter or two before going to bed. 】

Xiao He: [Besides, you have just eaten not long ago, so if you take a nap now, it is easy for you to accumulate food and cause indigestion. 】

Leng Su: [No, my digestive system has been fine since I was a child. 】

Leng Su: [Okay, I really won’t tell you anymore, I’m going to bed. 】

Xiao He: [Master, wait a minute, tell me first, how long will you take your nap? 】

For some reason, Xiao He always felt uneasy.

After a brief hesitation, he couldn't help but ask the question.

After the message was sent, there seemed to be silence on the other end for a while.

Just when Xiao He was wondering if the person on the other end of the phone was asleep, someone finally replied to him.

Leng Su: [Maybe one hour? Or two hours? Or three hours? Of course, it could also be four hours...]

After seeing Leng Su's reply, it was Xiao He's turn to fall into silence.

Looking at the message sent by the other party on the computer screen, Xiao He just wanted to curse! ! !

Depend on!

A person doesn't even know how long his nap will last? ? ?

There are still people who can sleep for three or four hours in one nap?

Was she not a pig in her previous life?

Xiao He was so aggrieved that he made all kinds of complaints and slanders in his heart.

In the end, for the sake of literature and novels, he endured it again and again, and then replied to the other party.

Xiao He: [Sure, taking a long nap at noon is not good for your health. The best time for a nap is about an hour. 】

Leng Su: [It’s okay, I’m in good health! 】

Xiao He: "..." Are you in good health?

If you are in good health, who was the person who was said to be unwell yesterday?

Xiao He: [Sir, I will call you on time in an hour. 】

After sending this message, Xiao He immediately closed the chat interface with Leng Su.

He was afraid that if he didn't turn it off, he wouldn't be able to help but explode after a while.

after an hour……

Xiao He: [Dad, get up, it’s time to code! 】

The message was sent for a while, but no one responded to him.

Xiao He did not give up and continued to type and send.

Xiao He: [Hey, it’s dawn, it’s time to code! 】

Xiao He: [Oh my god, the sun is out, it’s time to code! 】

Xiao He: [Big, the wind is blowing, it’s time to code! 】

Xiao He: [Big, it’s raining, it’s time to code! 】

Xiao He: [Dada, it’s snowing, it’s time to code! 】

Under Xiao He's crazy urging, Leng Su was finally woken up.

With an angry little face, she opened her eyes angrily, picked up her phone and started reading.

After seeing clearly that the person who sent the crazy message was Xiao He, the anger in Leng Su's heart dissipated instantly...

so annoying.

What kind of hot chick mission is this!

Why is she so lazy?

Is there any hope?

Leng Su scratched his hair irritably and got up from the bed with a look of displeasure.

He went to the bathroom with difficulty and washed his face with cold water to sober himself up, and then replied to Xiao He's message.

Leng Su: [Get up, get up, stop making noise. 】

PS: [There will be another chapter later, please wait]

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