The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2093 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (20)

After seeing Leng Suzhen's reply to the message, Xiao He's whole person changed.

The depressed look on his face disappeared instantly, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised an invisible arc.

Under Xiao He's frantic urging, Leng Su finally did not get lazy and came to the computer.

She squinted her eyes slightly, looking like she hadn't woken up.

His hands flew quickly on the computer keyboard...


The familiar knocking sound echoed in the room for a long time.

Time always flies extremely fast when busy, and Leng Su unknowingly clocked in until midnight.

If Xiao He hadn't noticed that she hadn't updated and felt something was wrong, so he couldn't help but send her a message, Leng Su might still be addicted to code words.

Xiao He: [Big? Are you there? 】

The beep tone of the cell phone keeps ringing.

Leng Su raised his head with a confused look on his face, looked at the dark room in front of him, and looked at the phone with the screen on his hand.

She rubbed her painful temples and did not pick up her phone immediately. Instead, she stood up and walked aside to turn on the light in the study.

Even she didn't know that she didn't turn on the lights that night, and she spent the whole night staring at the lit screen in such a dark environment.

Leng Su: [I have written 30,000 words...]

Xiao He was worried about Leng Su, but after seeing her reply, he became excited! ! !

Damn it, you actually wrote 30,000?

It starts at two o'clock in the afternoon, right?

Wait, thirty thousand words?

Starting at two o'clock in the afternoon?

Xiao He seemed to hear something suddenly. He quickly sent a message to ask Leng Su.

Xiao He: [Sir, have you had dinner? 】

Leng Su: [Forgot...]

Xiao He: "..." This is really the case.

Although he had already guessed something in his heart, Xiao He still felt very complicated when he saw Leng Su's answer.

He didn't know what to say or how to describe the author on the other end of the phone.

Xiao He: [Sir, go and eat quickly. Come back and update after eating. 】

Xiao He: [By the way, don’t update 30,000 words at once. You have just put it on the shelves in the past few days and the results are very good. You may consider updating about 10,000 words every day. 】

Xiao He: [Of course, if you are not short of money, but if you are short of time and very busy, you can also consider updating only 8,000...]

What Xiao He originally wanted to say was "only eight thousand or six thousand."

But as a reader, especially when he really, really likes Leng Su's book, he really can't let Leng Su read it less.

Eight thousand is already his limit at this moment...

Leng Su: [Then let me change it to ten thousand. Anyway, as long as you supervise me, coding is not too difficult. 】

Leng Su: [Besides, I wrote 30,000 yuan today. I can take a good rest in the next three days and then continue writing in three days. 】

[Congratulations, Xiao He's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 30 points. 】

Xiao He: [Then go and get something quickly, right? Your body is the most important thing. 】

Leng Su: [Well, I’ll update first, and I’ll go get takeout right after I finish updating. 】

Xiao He: [Ordering takeout so late? Isn't it safe? Why don't you cook something yourself? 】

Leng Su: [It’s okay, it’s okay. Not only does the restaurant I often order have good service, but the delivery boy is also very handsome! ! ! 】

Leng Su: [Besides, I’m driving a BMW to deliver food. How could I not think about what I have in mind...]

PS: [Daily request for votes]

[The sixth update is over, the little fairies should go to bed early after reading, good night, okay~(^з^)-]

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