The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2102 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (29)

Editor: [……]

The editor was naturally confused by Leng Su’s amazing operation.

If a normal author did this, he would have failed long ago.

Needless to say, this book is definitely ruined.

But Leng Su’s level is obviously different.

It still dominates the list after a half-month hiatus.

Editor: [Please resume updating first. I will apply for a big recommendation for you and see if it works. Take the opportunity to apply for a big recommendation and attract a wave of readers to help you improve your performance. ]

Leng Su: [Okay. ]

After the chat, Leng Su was just about to continue lying down, but Xiao He’s message came in.

Xiao He: [Have you eaten? ]

Leng Su: [Yeah. ]

Xiao He: [Are you lying in bed digesting? ]

Leng Su: [……Yeah. ]

Xiao He: [Then you should have a good rest and take good care of yourself. There is no rush to write, take your time.]

Leng Su: [……]

Facing Xiao He's sudden change, Leng Su always felt strange and a little scared.

This man suddenly stopped urging her to update, but made her fall in various ways, which made her feel even more uneasy.

In the past, he urged her to update, and she could still be lazy and complain about not wanting to write.

But this man suddenly stopped urging her to update, but instead cared about her health. She felt uncomfortable and felt that lying dead was too sinful. In just half a month, she relied on her willpower to complete the current 300,000 manuscripts.

Leng Su: [I suddenly don't want to sleep, I'm going to write.]

Xiao He: [No, you should take good care of yourself, writing is not important, anyway, you are not short of money.]

Leng Su: [……]

Leng Su hesitated for a long time, and really couldn't help asking.

Leng Su: [What happened to you recently? Why did you change so much suddenly? 】

Xiao He: [Have I changed? No, haven't I always been like this? ]

Leng Su: "..."

Leng Su: [Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to type. ]

Xiao He: "..." But I want to talk to you!!!

In fact, Xiao He himself has also discovered that some of his recent behaviors are very strange and crazy.

But the strange thing is that he not only does not dislike his own behavior, but also enjoys it.

He enjoys what he does very much.

He seems to be possessed. He wants to see her every day, chat with her every day, and listen to her lazy little voice.

Just when Xiao He was in a trance, the door of his office was suddenly knocked.

"Is there anything?"

"Mr. Xiao, this is the approval sent from below, saying that some books that have been applied for recommendation recently."

"Oh, put it aside, and read it when I have time."


As he said, the employee put the stack of documents in front of Xiao He.

Xiao He just glanced at it casually. He just retracted his gaze and was about to be in a daze, but suddenly his eyes widened, as if he remembered something.

He turned his head abruptly, reached out and picked up the document, and looked at the contents of the first row on it.

"Heaven and Earth" has been performing well since it was put on the shelves, and has long been ranked first on the best-selling list. Now the author has 300,000 manuscripts in reserve, and hereby applies for full channel recommendation.

300,000 manuscripts in reserve? ? ?

Xiao He thought he was dazzled and saw it wrong.

He was about to rush out of the office with the document to ask Leng Su's editor, but he seemed to remember something, and his movements suddenly paused, and then he sat back on the sofa chair.

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