The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2103 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (30)

"Ring ring ring."

When the phone rang, Leng Su was sitting in front of the computer seriously, playing games.


"Go up, besiege and kill this guy!"

"Yes, yes, let's outflank him together!"

"Ring ring ring."

The ringtone of the cell phone kept ringing, and Leng Su concentrated on playing the game and ignored it at all.

"Depend on!"

"We actually lost!"

"So angry!"

"Pig teammates, really pig teammates."

Just when Leng Su was angry, the phone rang again...

"Ring ring ring."

Driven by anger, Leng Su also went to see who the caller was and answered the call directly?


The familiar soft and waxy girl's voice. Compared to the laziness before, the girl's tone at this moment was obviously a bit sullen.

"Did I bother you? Sorry, I just wanted to ask if you really have 300,000 yuan saved?"

Hearing this, Leng Su was stunned for a moment and said, "You are Xiao He..."



Leng Su did not answer Xiao He's question directly, but silently sent the screenshot of the manuscript he had previously sent to the editor to Xiao He.

After seeing the content in the screenshot clearly, Xiao He on the other end of the phone smiled unconsciously.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a proud look on his face.

As expected, she was indeed the woman he fell in love with, she was more powerful than others and had more characteristics than others.

No matter what you do, be better than others...

Lazy cancer is too lazy to be better than others, but he is more diligent than others when he is diligent. He can code faster than others, the novels he writes are more beautiful than others, and even his background is better than others.

[Congratulations, Xiao He's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

"I won't talk to you now. I have something else to do. Let's talk later."

With Xiao He reluctant to give up, Leng Su decisively ended the call and started a new round of the game.

On Xiao He's side, after confirming Leng Su's manuscript deposit, he decisively approved Leng Su's recommendation application.

This is not over yet, he also specially hired the technical staff of the website...

"Did you hear it clearly?" Xiao He said.

"..." The technical guy was dumbfounded.

"Xiao, Mr. Xiao, what about the books by other authors?" the technical guy asked anxiously.

"Let them edit and arrange it themselves!" After saying that, Xiao He waved his hand to the technical brother, indicating that he could leave.

"Okay, go get ready. Remember, it starts at 0 o'clock tonight!"

"...Yes, Mr. Xiao."

Although the technical guy was helpless and wanted to complain, he had no choice but to carry out the order given by the president.

At night, Leng Su was lying dead on the bed, when an urgent message from her editor came over.

Editor: [The update will start at 0 o'clock tonight. In the next three days, you will update 100,000 times a day. 】

Leng Su: "..." Is this a rhythm that wants to drain her dry?

Leng Su: [Editor, is it enough to update 100,000 yuan if all channels are not suitable? 】

Editor: [Omni-channel does only require ten points of improvement, but you are different! ! ! 】

Leng Su: [What’s different? 】

Leng Su was confused.

Editor: [Watch it for yourself at 0 o'clock tonight. I won't say much about the rest. You just need to remember that there will be 100,000 updates every day for these three days. 】

[Okay, it’s getting late, I’m going to get busy first. Remember to quickly copy the manuscript to the background and have it ready. 】

With that said, the editor hurriedly went offline.

Leng Su still looked confused.

After a while, she looked at the time displayed in the upper right corner of her phone.


There are only five minutes left until 0 o'clock...

PS: [Ahem, I had a tooth extraction today. Due to various taboos, I took a little time to cook porridge and dinner at night. It’s too late today, so I can only update four times. I’ll try to make up for it the day after tomorrow. It’s my friend’s birthday tomorrow. Go help her celebrate. There is definitely no way to make up for it. Little fairies, please understand. Please remember the make-up and remind me when the time comes. Mmm (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

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