The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2105 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (32)

Leng Su's original readers screamed in surprise.

[Wucao Wucao, am I seeing something wrong? A whole hundred chapters have been updated? ? ? 】

【Just like dreaming...】

[So, is the reason for interrupting updates for half a month to give us such a big surprise today? 】

[Although it’s very happy to have new updates, I still hope that I won’t stop updating anymore. 】

[+1 I don’t want to stop updating, even if I only update one chapter every day, I hope there won’t be any more updating! 】

There were endless comments in the comment area, but all of them were very pleased with Leng Su and felt that he was very happy.

As Leng Su's number one loyal fan, Xiao He did another extremely heartbreaking thing.

Reader Xiao He rewards [1,000,000] book coins to celebrate the big update. Come on! ! !

Reader Xiao He rewards [1,000,000] book coins to celebrate the big update. Come on! ! !

Reader Xiao He rewards [1,000,000] book coins to celebrate the big update. Come on! ! !

A full one million book coins, which is equivalent to 100,000 yuan! ! !

Xiao He's generosity can be said to be the envy of others and shocked the entire website.

Even Leng Su had to say with emotion that he is willful when he has money.

After seeing such crazy recommendations, Leng Su finally understood and understood the reason why the editor asked her to make so many hits.

But as the first day passed, and faced with an even crazier bombardment of recommendations on the second day, Leng Su finally understood how crazy the website was...

Even some of the most popular interactive platforms are crazily promoting her book! ! !

Such as QQ, such as WeChat, such as Weibo, such as Baidu, such as browsers, etc.

It's like adding friends. As long as they play QQ, WeChat, and Weibo, they have almost promoted it to the entire network.

The next day, Leng Su still posted 100,000 words...

This time, not only Leng Su felt the madness of the website, but also the readers and countless other authors also felt the madness of the website.

The kind of madness that seemed to push Leng Su away at all costs.

Under the crazy stimulation of the website, both readers and authors couldn't help but click into Leng Su's book "Heaven and Earth" out of curiosity.

They want to know, what’s so good about this book?

Not to mention that it has been at the top of the best-seller list since it was launched.

Nowadays, it is even more possible to get such crazy and desperate promotion from the website.

If you don’t click on this, people still won’t understand...

But as they got into the trap, those readers and authors quickly understood the beauty of this book.

【Mist grass! What a great book! 】

[Wucao, I obviously came here to stir up trouble, but why do I have no ideas now? 】

[Wucao, this book is poisonous, this author is poisonous! 】

[Watch it well, support it, support it strongly, support it like crazy, come on, keep updating! 】

Of course, if there are many loyal fans, it is impossible not to have unfavorable fans.

It's just that those anti-fans are too few and too weak.

As soon as they bubbled up, they were frantically attacked by a group of loyal fans led by Xiao He.

The black fans are not good at fighting, so they can only disappear silently by diving.

After three days of bombarding recommendations, the pen name "Mary Sue" and the book "Heaven and Earth" became a complete hit on the entire Internet! ! !

In just three days, "Heaven and Earth" became the best-selling book on the entire Internet, directly refreshing the website's historical results and becoming the hottest and best-selling book on the entire Internet! ! !

PS: Thank you [ゞo二槑] [Shao Yubai] and the other two little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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