The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2106 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (33)

Here, although Leng Su and Xiao He are not short of money, they are naturally proud and happy when they see that their works (the works they like) have been recognized and supported by so many people...

Here, Ye Zhen saw that she had spent so much money to climb to the second place on the best-seller list.

It took a lot of effort to get so many recommendations, it took a lot of effort to stabilize my performance, and it took a lot of effort to get the attention of the editor, the website, and the readers.

But she didn't expect that all her efforts would be defeated so easily by Leng Su.

For three whole days, her and other authors' books seemed to disappear without any trace.

Ye Zhen couldn't hold it back. She contacted a group of authors privately and encouraged them quietly.

Various hints and provocations were used to try to get these authors to take the lead in making trouble with the website.

At the same time, she also privately bought some professional accounts with negative reviews on a certain website, and asked these merchants to open countless small accounts to attack Leng Su's "Heaven and Earth".

Three days have passed...

Not only has the popularity of Leng Su's book review section not decreased at all, but it has become more and more popular.

Various loyal fans and anti-fans quarreled and became a mess.

Xiao He has undoubtedly become a little bit of a nemesis among Leng Su Zhong’s fans!

He simply stopped contacting Leng Su and directly used his personal power to become the manager of Leng Su's book review area.

If a negative fan comes, he will be banned permanently, and then he, Xiao He, will take the lead and lead a large number of loyal fans to tear them apart!

Those anti-fans wanted to retaliate, but as a result, they were banned one after another.

Is the anti-fan account banned? It's okay, then open a small account!

The trumpet is also banned? It's okay, then continue to open a trumpet!

Xiao He is also awesome, and he has been staring at these black fans energetically for several days.

Come and ban one, come and destroy one.

As for night, when he was going to bed, Xiao He naturally handed over the tracking task to his technical brother.

Let the technical guy work overtime all night, and kill every anti-fan who comes.

Under Xiao He's crazy maintenance, these anti-fans fought for several days in a row, but it had no impact on Leng Su at all, and even caused Leng Su's book to remain popular for a long time.

The negative comments were ineffective and the negative reviews had no effect, so Ye Zhen bought a certain treasure to get a low score.

In just one week, Lengsu's ratings continued to decline.

As Leng Su's number one fan, Xiao He discovered something was wrong almost as soon as the book ratings were refreshed!

This time, he didn't even want to wait. He got up and went to the technical department without saying a word.

I found the technical guy, who was panic-stricken and issued another order that was not in compliance with the rules.

"I'll give you a minute to quickly raise the rating of "Heaven and Earth" to 9.9. And it will be fixed at 9.9 for a long time in the future without any further changes!!!"

Technical brother: "..." Mr. Xiao, where are the company's rules and regulations? ? ?

Are you really just obsessed with this book?

Why is there a feeling of "being angry for a beauty"? ? ?

Although the little brother was thinking about it, he didn't dare to say any nonsense on the surface. His hands immediately started working on the keyboard and began to quickly operate Leng Su's score...

Exactly one minute! ! !

Xiao He successfully saw that Leng Su's score had been brushed to 8.8 and returned to 9.9. The angry look on his face faded and turned into a look of satisfaction...

PS: [My heart aches so much. I’m late. Don’t worry. Even if it’s past 0 o’clock today, I will continue to write and update you guys. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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