
The original owner is Leng Su, a rare professional female e-sports player in holographic online games in the new century.

The male protagonist, Si Mo, lives up to his name, a man who is extremely indifferent.

The original protagonist and the male protagonist Si Mo are teammates, and Si Mo is the captain of their team.

In the original plot, the original owner and Si Mo developed feelings for each other after spending time together for a long time.

During this period, although they experienced some setbacks and disturbances, large and small, at least the ending was happy.

The outsider Xiao Rou is the daughter of the original owner's stepfather and the original owner's half-sister.

The female supporting character Xiao Rou is an extremely important woman in the original owner's life. She occupied an extremely "important" position in the first half of the original owner's life.

She painted an extremely profound and indelible mark on the original owner's long life.

Of course, in the original plot, Xiao Rou was ultimately just a passerby to the original owner.

After the original owner became a professional e-sports player, she and Xiao Rou's life completely parted ways, and there was no longer any intersection.

But all this has been changed because of a so-called "female counterattack system".

Xiao Rou became the holder of the system, and her life seemed to be cheating.

It is precisely because of the existence of this system that the fate of Xiao Rou and the original owner are once again intertwined.

In the original plot, Xiao Rou was not good at playing games, and her skills were extremely bad.

But due to system reasons, Xiao Rou cheated.

She is no longer a so-called rookie, but has risen all the way to the top, becoming the top three on the PK list of the most popular holographic online game! ! !

After becoming famous in the game, Xiao Rou once again entangled the original owner.

She joined the e-sports club where her original owner belonged and became a substitute member of the original team.

The arrival of Xiao Rou made the original owner's peaceful life boil once again...

After Xiao Rou arrived, the original owner became more and more uncomfortable. He became increasingly out of shape during training and made frequent mistakes.

Gradually, the teammates who were originally very optimistic about the original owner, their superiors started to have a lot of opinions on the original owner.

At the end of the plot, of course, the original owner was forced to leave the team, stay away from her favorite e-sports career, her teammates and fans, and completely disappeared from the e-sports circle.

Xiao Rou, on the other hand, successfully replaced the heroine and became the most popular female professional e-sports player at the moment.

However, although the original owner left, and although Xiao Rou successfully counterattacked the fate of her female partner, there was no unnecessary intersection between the male protagonists Si Mo and Xiao Rou.

Xiao Rou finally relied on her sharp skills and reputation in the e-sports circle to successfully marry the owner of their club, a rich second generation.

As for the original protagonist and Si Mo, the male and female protagonists have never met again...

The plot has come to an end here. Leng Su’s mission is to conquer Si Mo and expel the outsider “female counterattack system”.

At the same time, there is a small wish of the original owner that needs her help to fulfill.

The original owner's wish is to get rid of the female supporting character Xiao Rou without destroying her mother's happiness as much as possible, and hopes that she will never have any interaction with Xiao Rou again for the rest of her life.

After receiving the plot, Leng Su was still a little confused about the intersection between Xiao Rou and the original owner.

She tried to search through the memory of the original owner, but found that there was nothing about Xiao Rou...

Is it covered in dust? Or selective amnesia? Did the original owner take the initiative to forget and not want to remember?

What did Xiao Rou do to the original owner?

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