Just when Leng Su was lost in thought, her steps suddenly became unsteady, and her body fell backwards uncontrollably...

At this moment, a pair of big hands appeared and firmly grasped her slender waist, successfully saving her from falling onto her back.

With a "beep" sound, the treadmill was turned off.

A face with clear features like a sculpture, and the angular face is extremely handsome.

He had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a high bridge of nose, slightly thin lips that looked a little merciless, and his brows were slightly furrowed as he looked at her with an unhappy expression.

"The game is about to begin, is this your state?"

"Sorry, it's my problem, I will pay attention to it."

Leng Su had a good attitude in admitting her mistake. The man glanced at her with his dark eyes, silently let go of her hand on her waist, turned around and walked to the treadmill nearby to start exercising.

Leng Su took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing and emotions.

She just didn't pay attention and was lost in thought. Unexpectedly, when she entered the plot this time, the original owner was actually doing physical training on the treadmill...

After looking at the time on the wall clock, Leng Su did not continue on the treadmill, but went into the toilet to wash his face, and then entered the lounge to rest.

She entered the plot relatively early this time.

The female supporting character Xiao Rou has just shown off her talents in the most popular holographic online game. She has just climbed to the third position in the PK list. She has not yet entered the e-sports club where the original owner belongs and becomes a substitute member of their team.

In other words, she still has plenty of time now.

Leng Su thought for a moment. Xiao Rou wanted to counterattack her as the heroine. Even if she tried to prevent Xiao Rou from entering the club, the other party would definitely think of other ways.

Instead of doing this, she might as well start pursuing the male protagonist Si Mo first.

Anyway, she is not the original owner. As long as she is not influenced by Xiao Rou and does not make mistakes in several games in succession, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Rou to replace her for a while.

Leng Su was in a trance, and a glass of warm water was handed to her.

When he looked up, he realized it was the male protagonist Si Mo.

"Thank you Captain."

Si Mo said nothing, looked at her and left again.

Feeling the warm touch in the palm of his hand and the faint salty taste spreading in his mouth after the entrance of the warm water, Leng Su's eyes couldn't help but twinkle.

She was suddenly curious as to how much the male protagonist's affection for the original protagonist was worth...

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Leng Su immediately closed his eyes and entered into his sea of ​​consciousness to search.

After seeing the numbers displayed in the crystal ball clearly, Leng Su's heart suddenly went cold...

The favorability value is only 20 points? ? ?

How about we agree to stay together day and night for a long time and become in love with each other?

We've been together for so long, why haven't we felt this way yet?

Opening his eyes again, Leng Su's eyes touched the quilt in his hand, and he felt a strange reaction in his heart.

Okay, she's just being sentimental.

The male protagonist is so frank and honest, and he really has no selfish intentions at all. He really cares about her as a teammate.

After drinking light salt water and resting for a while, Leng Su returned to the fitness room and started a new round of physical training.

The background of this task is in the new century. Today's games are no longer keyboard operations, but holographic online games.

In the game, all the data they input are based on their own real situation.

Including the release of some skills in some games, whether those difficult skills can be released is completely based on the personal physical condition of the game player...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Zombie fans are so nice] [I’m pretending to be dead] and I’m waiting for the two little fairies’ reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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