Originally, Sun Wukong wanted to pretend to be dead.

However, seeing everyone in the group coming to attack him one after another, @he just let it go and even started privately chatting with him to express all kinds of contempt for him.

So, the monkey exploded!

[Sun Wukong: What happened to me, Sun Wukong? What can you do to me? 】

[Sun Wukong: I, the old Sun, can warn you, if anyone starts to compete blindly, believe it or not, I, the old grandson, will beat you to death one by one? 】

As soon as Sun Wukong said this, the group was silent for three seconds, followed by an even more crazy crusade.

Leng Su was also very straightforward. In order to show everyone's help to her, she distributed a hundred peaches and three jars of wine to everyone in the group except Sun Wukong...

A second ago, Sun Wukong felt that he had made a profit, and he was very happy.

The next second, he fell from heaven to hell, looking at the "exclusive red envelopes" sent by Leng Su with disbelief.

[Sun Wukong: @Leng Su, you are shameless, how dare you deceive me, Sun! ! ! 】

[Leng Su: You lied to me first. I believe no one in this group knows better than you, the great sage, whether these fruits and wine are good things. 】

[Leng Su: You get what you pay for. I don’t deny that your monkey hair is very precious, Monkey King, but my stuff is not bad either. I think my price is very reasonable. 】

[Leng Su: Great Sage, you should know that if I didn’t just need this monkey hair, do you think your monkey hair is worth exchanging such precious fruits and wine for me? 】

Sun Wukong: "..."

In Sun Wukong's perception, Leng Su is a monster, although they may not be as powerful as him and can achieve seventy-two transformations and so on.

But there should be no problem with some of the most basic transformations, otherwise they wouldn't be qualified to be sent to "overcome" them.

Regarding those fruits and wine, even Sun Wukong had to admit that they were top-notch good things...

Even though Sun Wukong has eaten all the good things in the six realms, this is the first time he has seen fruits and wine with such rich immortal energy.

Even his cultivation level, which had been silent for a long time, had increased! ! !

[Sun Wukong: @Leng Su, girl, I, Sun, admit that I was wrong to deceive you before. Do you think this will work? I, Old Sun, will apologize to you and I will make up for the monkey hair that is due to you. You can’t be biased against me, Old Sun. 】

[Sun Wukong: Look, you’ve given out a red envelope to everyone in the group, you can’t just miss out on my grandson’s share! 】

[Leng Su: No, I don’t want your monkey hair anymore. As for the red envelope, don’t even think about it. 】

[Leng Su: From now on, let’s go back to the bridge and the road to the road, and we’ll be fine until we die. 】

[Sun Wukong: @Leng Su, girl, don’t say goodbye. My grandson is so sincere, you can’t keep holding on to it. 】

However, no matter what Sun Wukong did to @her, Leng Su just ignored him.

Seeing everyone in the group saying that the fruit is delicious and the wine is delicious, Sun Wukong is so greedy that he can't help himself.

He thought for a while, and since @Leng Su refused to show up in the group, he would just chat with her privately.

However, what Sun Wukong never expected was.

One day, even the majestic Monkey King and the Victorious Buddha will be blacklisted! ! !

[Sorry, the message you sent has been rejected by the other party! 】

This system prompt that had appeared in front of Leng Su twice finally appeared in front of Sun Wukong. He was so angry that he scratched his head and ears and jumped up on the spot...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

I don’t know when it was repeated...

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