You want to smash your phone, but you can’t...

Really, what awaits him is the education of Buddha and the education of Guanyin.

Don't smash it, I'm so angry.

This is the first time that Sun Wukong has been blocked by someone since he popped out of the stone!

Here, Sun Wukong was so anxious that he couldn't hold it back and just sat on Jintouyun and started to rob...

First there are Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

Tang Seng was the one who needed to clean up the most. He tried to say whatever he wanted, but this guy just refused to take out his things.

He couldn't hold it back and even beat the smelly monk down, but he still refused to take it out.

So, Sun Wukong gave up and locked his next target...Zhu Bajie.

In the past, this pig was the most cowardly, but strangely, today he was as stubborn as that smelly monk.

No matter how hard he tried to intimidate or beat him, he still refused to take it out!

Just when he was furious, Sha Wujing took the initiative to appear in front of him and offered fifty peaches and a jar of wine.

"Elder brother, your behavior this time is really too much, so I won't give you everything."

"Even if you beat me to death, I won't give it to you!"


Hearing this, Sun Wukong's hand that had just raised the golden cudgel froze.

In his mind, he unconsciously recalled Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, two stubborn people.

Then, he silently put down the golden cudgel and pocketed the peaches and wine in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, we set off to the next stop... the cave where Red Boy is.

In the cave.

Red Boy was glaring at the smelly monkey in front of him with disdain: "I say Sun Wukong, can you please have some face?"

"You are hundreds of years old, and you still have the nerve to compete with me, a child, for food?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong said without changing his expression: "Just because you are a child, you should not eat too much, let alone drink."

"I am your father's good brother and your uncle. Everything I do is for your own good."

"Red Boy, be good and hand over those things quickly. As long as you hand them over, I, Old Sun, will definitely not beat you!"

"If you have the ability, first withstand my great king's three-flavor fire." As he said that, Red Boy began to breathe fire.

For a moment, the two of them were going back and forth, fighting each other, but no one was winning.

Sun Wukong is powerful, but he can't stand up to Red Boy's Sanwei Zhenhuo.

In addition, he is the precious son of the Bull Demon King and the Iron Fan Princess, and he has an endless supply of treasures in his hands.

In the end, Sun Wukong had no choice but to temporarily abandon Red Boy's side and go to White Bone Demon.

However, the white-bone spirit was so quick that when he saw him coming, he didn't even try to resist and just went straight to the ground.

"Great Sage, come on, beat me to death so that I can be reincarnated in the underworld."

Sun Wukong: "..." Just dream.

The difficulty of beating three white-bone spirits has not been overcome yet. If you, the white-bone spirit, are dead, how will they complete their mission?

Originally, Sun Wukong wanted to beat the Bone Demon to vent his dissatisfaction.

But he silently took a look at the slender and fragile bones on the White Bone Demon's body. In order to prevent him from killing the monster without control, he still held back and did not take action.

Next stop...the land of girls.

It was only when Sun Wukong entered the Daughter Kingdom that he discovered that the king of the Daughter Kingdom, who was supposed to be slender and beautiful, was actually looking at him with a big belly and a half-smile on his face.

Sun Wukong: "..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Good night, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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