The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2418 The state gives “husband” for free (25)

Through those personal videos and photo records of money transfers, Xie Shaoting learned that the men who cried and complained about Leng Su in front of him were not accidental...

It turned out that it was not Leng Su who had read countless beautiful men, but An Xiang deliberately bribed those people to deceive him.

It turns out that she was innocent all along...

It turned out that he had misunderstood her all along.

After the truth came to light, Xie Shaoting couldn't help but think of those "bold words" he once said to Leng Su, and felt a burning sensation on his face.

After feeling ashamed, Xie Shaoting raised his doubts: "Why did he do this?"

"Besides, you and I hadn't even been genetically matched at that time. How did he know that I would be a match for you?"

Leng Su: "..." This question is more difficult.

She had no interest in talking about such nonsense as a reborn person.

Since she couldn't tell the truth, she could only rely on her to temporarily turn her brain and make it up.

"You have to ask your parents about this..." Leng Su said with a meaningful expression.

"What do you mean?" Xie Shaoting looked at her with a confused expression.

"The genetic matching between us has been tampered with..." Leng Su said.

"Has it been tampered with? How is it possible? Isn't this a random match from the National Gene Bank?"

"And why are you asking my parents? What does this have to do with my parents...?"

Before the word "tie" came out of his mouth, Xie Shaoting paused.

He is from the Xie family, and he knows everything about the Xie family best.

His father's family background is good, but it can only be described as average.

On the other hand, his mother's side...

It seems to have a pretty big background.

"You mean...the reason why we were matched together is because someone tampered with us."


"I just found out too." Leng Su explained.

Hearing this, Xie Shaoting fell into silence...

He's not stupid, he just likes to get into trouble.

From the beginning of his genetic match, to his parents' departure abroad, and their calculations against him, etc.

When you don't think deeply about it, you don't feel anything, but when you think about it deeply and investigate, it becomes terrible.

"I...I don't know"

Xie Shaoting was silent for a long time and only said this sentence.

He was really unaware. If Leng Su hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have even known that genetic matching could lead to secret manipulation.

"Well, I believe you."

"Okay, don't think too much, just take a good rest."

"By the way, I made an appointment for you to go abroad for surgery next week. Your passport and visa need to be prepared. I also packed some luggage for you."

"Are you going next week? So soon?"

"Well, your wound is recovering very well, and the doctor I found for you this time is also very good. I said I won't let you leave scars, and I will never let you leave scars."

Listening to Leng Su's promise and seeing the doting in her eyes, Xie Shaoting's lips curled up slightly, and a happy smile bloomed on his face.

very happy……

For the first time, he was glad that he was the one who matched her.

Although it was shameful to do something like this, he still wanted to thank his parents. If it weren't for them, he and she wouldn't have been able to meet.

If she matched with another person, would she still like him, Nicholas Tse?

Or will she fall in love with the person she matches?

Xie Shaoting couldn't hold back and blurted out what was on his mind...


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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