When Leng Su woke up, Murong Yu was guarding her bedside, his expression gloomy.

"S-Senior Brother? Why are you here?"

After saying that, Leng Su made a move to stand up, but as soon as he stood up, he slipped weakly.

Fortunately, Murong Yu reacted quickly and helped her in time.

"Elder brother, I...what's wrong with me?" Leng Su asked in confusion.

"Junior sister, cultivation is something that accumulates over time and cannot be rushed."

"Don't be so eager for quick success that you end up hurting your roots."

Hearing this, Leng Su turned pale: "Senior brother, I don't have it."

"My cultivation has reached the peak of Qi training for a long time. I just encountered some places when I made a breakthrough yesterday that I didn't quite understand..."

"I was confused and thought of forcing a breakthrough."

Hearing this, although there was still a hint of disapproval on Murong Yu's face, at least the previous trace of dissatisfaction was gone.

"If you have any questions about your practice in the future, junior sister, please feel free to ask senior brother."

Hearing this, Leng Su's eyes suddenly lit up...

That’s what I’ve been waiting for!

"Okay, then junior sister will thank senior brother in advance."

"There is no need to be so polite between you and me, brothers and sisters."

After saying that, Murong Yu added: "You should take a good rest first. In three days, it will be the grand day for Master to accept his disciples. You and I must be present at that time."

"Master accepts a disciple?" Hearing this, Leng Su was obviously stunned.

There's something wrong with this plot. It doesn't seem to be like this in the plot she received.

"Well, that's why I came to see you yesterday."

"...Where's Leng Che?"

Leng Su thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what the plot was about. Finally, she couldn't help but think of another person.

"Junior brother woke up yesterday. At this time, he is accompanying the two junior sisters who will be apprentices in three days to move around to familiarize themselves with the environment of our Luoyang Peak."

"Oh." Leng Su replied absently.

Seeing Leng Su's depressed mood, Murong Yu thought she was still depressed because of her cultivation.

He thought for a moment, took out a white jade bottle from the Qiankun Ring and handed it to Leng Su, saying, "Junior sister, your foundation is very solid. It's just that you were a little reckless in your cultivation that led to the current situation."

"This Guyuan Pill is beneficial to your cultivation, junior sister. When you attack the foundation barrier again, junior sister, taking this Guyuan Pill will definitely help you get twice the result with half the effort."

"Senior brother, you won't get reward for your merits. This Gu Yuan Dan is so precious, and I can't bear it, junior sister." Leng Su said in denial.

"There is no need to be so polite between you and me. Junior sister, just take it."

Just when Leng Su and Murong Yu were rejecting each other, a familiar figure quickly rushed in from outside the cave.

Before Leng's father and Murong Yu could react, they quickly snatched the bottle of Solid Yuan Pill from their hands.

"Sister, Guyuan Pill, this is Guyuan Pill!" Leng Che shouted excitedly.

"Sister, I know you still love me the most."

Just as Leng Che was talking excitedly and was about to put the Guyuan Pill into his Qiankun Ring, Leng Su quickly took hold of his wrist.


Leng Che screamed, his fingers were forced to loosen, and the white jade bottle containing Guyuan Dan slipped from his palm.

Seeing this, Leng Su's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately let go of someone's hand, quickly took the bottle of Solid Yuan Dan and stuffed it into his own Qiankun Ring.

Then, regardless of the cold and sad eyes on the side, she thanked Murong Yu.

"Junior sister has thanked senior brother for the gift of the Pill. If there is an opportunity in the future, junior sister will definitely repay senior brother for the gift of the pill."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Having a naughty child at home is really life-threatening... When I went home today, I was typing while my brother was watching cartoons. He kept noising me and let me go. Instead, he pressed my keyboard randomly, causing the manuscript I had written to fail. I was so angry that I almost jumped up and scratched their ears. I was so angry that I almost ran out and stayed in a hotel all night. I was really angry to death! ! !

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