"Master said, let me and my junior brother go together." Murong Yu said.

"Dragon Flame Secret Realm?" Hearing this, Leng Su was stunned for a moment.

Although many developments in the original plot were briefly mentioned, she still knew some important development nodes.

If she remembered correctly, the original owner and his destiny had undergone earth-shaking changes after this time in the Dragon Flame Secret Realm.

In the plot, without her arrival, the original owner's cultivation level is still at the peak of Qi training.

When the Dragon Flame Secret Realm was opened, the original owner was simply not qualified to enter.

Therefore, she could only watch Leng Che and Murong Yu leave together.

Also this time after the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, Leng Che and Murong Yu's lives seemed to be cheating.

They were originally the best among their peers. After the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, Leng Che and Murong Yu completely became the most watched beings in the entire Yunyang Sect.

Their cultivation began to improve rapidly...

The original owner was slowly thrown away and slowly forgotten.

The two most important men in her life began to move away from her, and the three of them grew further and further away from each other until they finally became strangers.

Until the end, she ran out of life and passed away because she never advanced in cultivation.

"The Dragon Flame Secret Realm opens once every hundred years. All disciples in the sect above the Foundation Establishment Stage and below the Nascent Soul Stage must attend."

"There are countless opportunities within the Dragon Flame Secret Realm. Those seniors in our sect who have ascended in the past all relied on the opportunities they obtained from the Dragon Flame Secret Realm to increase their cultivation level. Their cultivation speed increased by thousands of miles, and they finally succeeded in ascending."

Leng Su still believed what Murong Yu said.

After all, in the plot, the existence of this secret realm of dragon flames really allowed Murong Yu and Leng Che to practice rapidly, and finally succeeded in ascending.

"When will it be turned on?" Leng Su asked.

"Three days later."

Three days is neither long nor short for Leng Su.

During this period, she secretly visited Leng Che.

She found that the Yunyang ancestor was still guarding Leng Che, and found that Leng Che was working hard and practicing hard, as if he was preparing for the Dragon Flame Secret Realm three days later.

Moreover, Leng Che's defensive weapon reserves have also increased by a large amount.

There are ten rings on the ten fingers, as well as a necklace around the neck, a hairband, a jade pendant around the waist and a jade pendant on the sword.

Looking at the large number of magic weapons, the corners of Leng Su's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Do you want to underestimate her so much?

Do you want to stop her from killing Leng Che with just a few pieces of rags?

After Leng Su complained a lot, he stopped staying and turned around to leave.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye...

On the day when the Dragon Flame Secret Realm opened, Leng Su finally met Leng Che who was alone.

After the other party saw her, he smiled at her immediately: "Sister."

"..." Leng Su glanced at the other party and was not prepared to pay attention to him.

But for some reason, the expression on her face suddenly paused. Feeling the fiery gaze that fell on her secretly, Leng Su's eyes flashed and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Then, he reluctantly nodded towards Leng Che and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

The so-called small impatience messes up big plans. For the sake of her mission and her man, she had better hide her capabilities and bide her time.

After entering the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, no one can stop her from doing what she wants to do...

Thinking of this, the depression in Leng Su's heart instantly dissipated.

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