Facing such a prosperous and beautiful face, Leng Su just felt that she could no longer take her eyes away.

"Plop...Plop...Plop..." The heart was beating violently in the chest.

Through the memory of the original owner, Leng Su knew that she entered the mission a little late this time.

At this time, the original owner and Shen Qingliu had expressed their affection for each other, and the two had confirmed their relationship.

In the plot, the conflict between them also started after confirming their relationship...

"I accidentally twisted my foot." Leng Su said.

Hearing this, Shen Qingliu didn't say anything. He silently knelt down and held her fair and slender ankle.

The big, white and slender hands with clear joints gently groped her ankles.

When Leng Su stared at him with great fascination, Shen Qingliu's groping hand suddenly paused, and the next second, he gave it a slight squeeze.

"Hiss!!!" Leng Su gasped.

If it weren't for the concern for image, Leng Su almost screamed out regardless of image.

Mamma Mia, I love this baby so much.

"The misaligned bones have been corrected. I'll help you up and you can try taking two steps."


With the support of the "unparalleled beauty", Leng Su weakly leaned on him and barely stood up.

Following Shen Qingliu's instructions, she moved her feet slightly, and after making sure that everything was okay, she reluctantly left the beautiful man's arms.

"Does it still hurt?" Shen Qingliu asked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Leng Su shook his head.

Hearing this, Shen Qingliu let go of the hand that was supporting her and said, "You go back to the lounge to rest first. It's almost time to get off work. I'll take you home after I finish my work."

"Yeah." Leng Su nodded.

After Leng Su nodded, Shen Qingliu turned around and left without looking back... left...

Leng Su: "..." Does this girl have any consciousness of being a boyfriend? ? ?

She twisted her foot! ! !

Couldn't he take her back to the break room first and then go back to work? ? ?

No wonder, no wonder the original owner would be angry with him and have a cold war with him.

No wonder, no wonder he and the original owner parted ways and couldn't make it to the end.

As a boyfriend, even a woman can't stand Shen Qingliu's attitude towards his girlfriend just now.

After a brief period of suffocation, Leng Su finally chose not to go back to the lounge, but chased after Shen Qingliu in the direction he left.

She wanted to see what was so big that made this guy leave her, his newly established girlfriend, alone.

When Leng Su arrived, Shen Qingliu was making rounds.

He went from ward to ward and asked about the physical condition of each patient.

Ask them where they feel uncomfortable and how they have reacted in the past two days...

He will also give massages to those patients himself and teach the family members around them.

Shen Qingliu is handsome, gentle, has a very good personality, and has excellent medical skills.

The female patients and little girls in the ward were staring at him with such intense eyes.

Of course, the female nurses in the hospital understand Shen Qingliu's character, except the female doctors...

For those who are not familiar with him, Shen Qingliu is really charming.

It's a pity that anyone who knows him a little bit is not willing to have a close relationship with Shen Qingliu...

On the one hand, Shen Qingliu is not easy to get close to, which refers to the relationship between men and women, not anything else.

On the other hand, Shen Qingliu is too prodigal, too old, kind, and warm-hearted...

As a staff member of the hospital and a colleague of Shen Qingliu, we have seen many times that Shen Qingliu, the "Holy Mother", sacrifices herself for others, but good people are not rewarded...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Chinese Famous Black Pink Liangliang] little fairy for your reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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