As a doctor, Shen Qingliu tried his best to treat those patients.

We never defraud patients, charge fees arbitrarily, conduct random examinations, or let them spend money arbitrarily.

He will even help patients raise funds, help them with various medical insurance reimbursements, and tell patients that in this case, you can go home and rest.

If you really need anything, you can call him and he can come to your home to check and diagnose for free.

Leng Su: "..."

Other doctors try their best to maximize the profits of the hospital.

Shen Qingliu tried his best to help patients save money, even at the expense of himself.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a good person, but the problem with Shen Qingliu is that he has a short memory when he suffers losses.

Some patients noticed that Shen Qingliu was easy to talk to, so they focused on him.

When he didn't have money for medical treatment, he went to Shen Qingliu to beg him, kneel down in front of everyone and force him to do it.

What can I say, if Shen Qingliu doesn't pay for their medical treatment, they won't be able to afford it.

Some even threaten to commit suicide or jump off a building in public.

Most people, when faced with this kind of situation, will choose to refuse, or find ways to ask the police for help and control.

Because any normal person knows that these people cannot help.

For people like this, once you help them, they won't be grateful. Some of them will be like parasites and haunt you for the rest of their lives.

However, no one expected or could figure out that Shen Qingliu, this weirdo, actually agreed to those people's request...

Helped them pay for the sky-high treatment fees, hospitalization fees, surgical fees, various imported drugs, and later skin care products, etc.

Leng Su: "..."

After understanding Shen Qingliu's personality through these memories of the original owner, Leng Su said that she couldn't figure it out either...

I can’t figure out why Shen Qingliu is so weird, and I can’t figure out why the original owner fell in love with such a weird Shen Qingliu.

Leng Su stood outside the ward for a while and looked at Shen Qingliu, who was devoted to his work. Thinking of his temper, she felt a headache.

She didn't stay outside the ward for long, turned around and returned to the lounge.

Time passed bit by bit...

Seeing that it was time to get off work, Shen Qingliu, who had promised to take her home, never showed up.

Just when Leng Su was hesitating whether to go to him, Shen Qingliu called her.

"Susu, I'm sorry, there is a family member of a patient here who has something to do. I need to stay and take care of him. I'm afraid I won't be able to send you home."

"Your foot should be fine. Take a look. Why don't you take a taxi back first?"

Leng Su: "..."

Leng Su didn't speak, nor did she give the other party a chance to continue talking. She ended the call without saying a word.

He stood up silently, changed his clothes, packed his things and left the hospital.

On her way home, Shen Qingliu called her several times and sent her several WeChat messages, apologizing and saying sorry.

Leng Su didn’t even reply to him...

After returning home, Leng Suzi carefully reviewed the memory of the original owner, and then couldn't help but sigh again at the power of the plot master.

There are many mysterious things about Shen Qingliu in the hospital.

The original owner heard a lot more gossip about Shen Qingliu...

Even though he knew exactly what kind of person Shen Qingliu was, the original owner actually came together with him. It must be said that these two people were indeed destined to be married.

I have to say that the original owner is really powerful and courageous...

In a certain way, she is actually quite similar to Shen Qingliu, both are equally weird.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you to the little fairy [Tutu hasn’t eaten yet] for your reward and support. I wish the little fairy "Tutu" a happy birthday, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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