A person who knows he can't help, but still wants to help.

A person who knows clearly that he cannot like or love, but refuses to hit the wall and never look back.

Leng Su originally wanted to be alone and think about how to attack Shen Qingliu.

How should I contact him?

However, what Leng Su never expected was that she and Shen Qingliu would meet again under such circumstances...

"Ring, ring, ring." The cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting Leng Su's thoughts.

"Hello? What? Shen Qingliu drowned and was sent to the hospital for rescue?" Leng Su said in disbelief after answering the phone.

"People's Hospital? Okay, I'll be right over..." With that, Leng Su hung up the phone.

Picking up the keys to her mobile phone and wallet, she hurried to the hospital.

When Leng Su arrived, Shen Qingliu had successfully rescued him, was out of danger, and was lying in the ward with a pale face.

Looking at the frail and beautiful man motionless on the hospital bed, Leng Su felt extremely complicated.

If others hadn't told her, she would never have imagined the real reason why Shen Qingliu drowned...

emmm, yes, he sacrificed himself to save others again.

This guy saw someone drowning on his way to get off work, and he jumped in regardless of whether he knew how to swim.

Then, the person was not rescued, and he was tricked...

Seriously, hopelessly stupid! ! !

Looking at Shen Qingliu who was in a coma, Leng Su couldn't help it, stretched out his hand and secretly grabbed the other person's hand.

He tentatively injected a ray of consciousness and spiritual power into the opponent's body, trying to take this opportunity to investigate.

As soon as Leng Su's hand touched Shen Qingliu, he was violently thrown away by the suddenly awakened opponent.


Leng Su exclaimed and fell to the side uncontrollably, almost falling to the ground on the spot.

"Shen Qingliu, what do you mean?" Leng Su glared angrily at the man who suddenly woke up on the bed.

Facing Leng Su's angry gaze, Shen Qingliu quickly explained: "Su Su, it's not me... I didn't mean it."

Hearing this, Leng Su's eyes flashed slightly, and something flashed quickly in his eyes.

"Shen Qingliu, please explain it clearly to me. If it wasn't you, who pushed me?" Leng Su asked.

"Su Su, I'm sorry, I just woke up and I'm a little confused." Shen Qingliu lowered his head, avoiding her direct gaze and explained.

After taking his reaction into her eyes, Leng Su pursed her red lips tightly, her eyes flickered slightly, and her face changed slightly, but she still didn't continue to ask.

She knew, just by looking at Shen Qingliu's current appearance, that no matter how she asked, the other party might not tell her.

Seeing that Leng Su did not ask further questions and sat silently aside, a trace of apology and guilt quickly flashed in Shen Qingliu's eyes.

[Congratulations, Shen Qingliu's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 55 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." You still have some conscience, you know how guilty you are, and you know you're sorry for me.

For a couple relationship, a favorability value of 50 points is considered low by Leng Su.

However, she also knows that it is her task to conquer the male protagonist. If the initial favorability value is too high, is she still needed?

Or, the initial favorability value is very high, but in order to increase the difficulty of the task, we get several outsiders for her...

Thinking about that scene, how sour and terrifying, Leng Su couldn't help but tremble all over.

Shen Qingliu didn't stay awake for long, and soon fell asleep.

During this period, he still had a high fever, which made Leng Su find a doctor for him, take care of him, and give him water and medicine...


PS: [I stayed up all night and changed this plane. Fairies, remember to look back, otherwise the previous and later plots will not be connected. 】

PS: [Daily request for votes]

The sixth update is over, good night fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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