The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2463 The “Virgin Mother” male doctor VS the “violent” girlfriend (5)

Leng Su originally wanted to use medical books or spiritual spring water to help him reduce his fever...

However, thinking of the possible "outsider" in him, Leng Su silently resisted the impulse in his heart and his heartache for Shen Qingliu in order to avoid alerting the enemy.

I chose personal care and personal care after a sleepless night...

The next day, when Shen Qingliu woke up, he immediately saw Leng Su lying beside the bed, falling into a deep sleep but still holding his hand tightly.

She frowned, as if she was still worried about him in her dream...

Her little hands were cold in the palm of her hand, her face was slightly pale, her eyes were black and blue, her lips were dry, and her overall mental state seemed obviously poor.

Guessing that she might have stayed up all night to watch over him, Shen Qingliu felt a little warm in his heart.

[Congratulations, Shen Qingliu's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

He knew that Leng Su was angry with him about what happened yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't have refused to answer his calls or reply to his messages.

He also knew that he had done something wrong...

After all, they had just established their relationship, and he treated her like this. Even he felt that he was going too far, let alone her.

However, there were some things that he couldn't help himself. He didn't know how to explain them, and he couldn't explain them.

After a brief trance, Shen Qingliu's sanity was awakened by a familiar sound.

It was rare that he didn't get up quickly as usual to start a busy day.

He allowed himself to ignore the notification sound, quietly lifted himself up, got out of bed and carefully picked up Leng Su and placed him on the bed.

Just when he placed Leng Su and was about to turn around and leave, his hand was suddenly grabbed.

Turning his head, a pair of nostalgic black eyes were staring at him: "Where are you going?"

"I'll be out for a while and I'll be back soon." Shen Qingliu touched her face lovingly and patted her little hand that was holding him soothingly.

"What if I don't let you go?" Leng Su said stubbornly.

Hearing this, Shen Qingliu was startled. He looked at Leng Su, their eyes met, and they fell into a stalemate.

After taking Shen Qingliu's silence into his eyes, Leng Su slightly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled to himself.

She slowly closed her eyes, isolating Shen Qingliu's figure, and her hand that was holding him loosened one finger at a time...

Just when she let go completely, a big warm hand suddenly grabbed her small hand that was about to withdraw.

She was surprised in her heart and was stunned for a few seconds. When she opened her eyes again, she found that Shen Qingliu was lying beside her at some point, with a pair of big hands holding her tightly and holding her in his arms.

"Be good, go to sleep."

"Aren't you...going to leave?"

"Well, I'm not leaving. Go to sleep." Shen Qingliu rubbed her little head lovingly and said.

Hearing this, Leng Su's lips curled up slightly, with a happy smile on his face.

She hugged the man in front of her tightly, closed her eyes, and fell asleep...

At the same time, a mechanical urging sound kept ringing in her and Shen Qingliu's ears.

[Ding, daily tasks are open, host, please hurry up and complete the tasks! 】

[Ding, we found that there are humans in need of help nearby, please host to rush there as soon as possible. 】

[Ding, host, please don’t be lazy! 】

The mechanical sound kept ringing, but neither Leng Su nor Xiao Shen Qingliu paid attention to it.

After urging a few times, the mechanical voice seemed to have noticed something, and it actually became silent...

Two hours flew by in the blink of an eye...

The moment Shen Qingliu stood up and left, Leng Su, who was supposed to be sleeping deeply on the hospital bed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his leaving figure...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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