On the hospital rooftop.

When Leng Su arrived, Shen Qingliu was standing closest to the person who jumped from the building in a hospital gown.

He looked at the man with a gentle look on his face and comforted him with an extremely gentle voice and tone.

"Brother, committing suicide by jumping off a building won't solve anything."

"You are only in your thirties this year. Look, your parents are still alive, and your sister-in-law is so gentle and virtuous. You also have such a well-behaved and lovely daughter."

"Are you really willing to leave them alone and leave this world alone?"

"Have you ever thought about what they should do after you leave?"

"Your parents are over sixty. They are no longer able to work and can no longer support themselves."

"You are their only son. They have managed to bring you up to this age and watched you get married and have a wife and daughter. Are you so cruel that you want to send their white-haired man to a black-haired man?"

Facing Shen Qingliu's persuasion, a look of emotion appeared on the man's face.

He reluctantly looked at his elderly parents standing aside, his gentle and virtuous wife, and his wailing baby daughter in his arms.

"Dad, dad, don't leave Rongrong and mother behind."

"Dad, dad, Rongrong will definitely be obedient in the future. Dad, can you come home with us?"

"Husband, come here. No matter what the outcome is, our family will face it together."

"Son, come here quickly."

The man cried, cried hard, but he did not come down from the rooftop or the fence.

"What's the use of going back? My life will be a disaster to you. I will only drag you down." The man cried.

"The doctor has made it very clear what kind of condition I have..."

"Because of my illness, my family has sold our house and car."

"Rongrong is about to start school, but our family's current situation is such that not to mention paying tuition for Rongrong, even eating for the whole family has become a problem."

As he spoke, the man looked at his elderly parents with tears in his eyes.

"Mom and Dad, you are already over sixty, but you still have to drink water every day because of me."

"And Rongrong, she is still growing, but she can only drink rice soup with no rice grains every day."

"And my wife, I know that in order to leave money for my medical treatment, you secretly beat the child."

"I can't do anything alive, I will only drag you down..."

As he spoke, the man's face looked dazed, and his body sitting on the wall leaned outward.

Seeing that the man was about to jump down, at the critical moment, Shen Qingliu's body suddenly rushed over quickly, holding the man's hand tightly with both hands.



"Dad, dad, woo woo woo..."


There were screams all around, and the man's parents fainted on the spot.

The little girl was so frightened that she cried loudly, and the man's wife became so weak that she almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Leng Su showed up in time to support her. Seeing her pale face and weak body, Leng Su's expression changed.

She was silent for a moment, and quietly activated the medical book in her body, inputting a little bit of invisible spiritual power into the woman's body through her hands supporting the woman.

The woman's pale complexion regained a little rosy color at a speed visible to the naked eye...

After making sure she was okay, Leng Su let go of her and rushed to Shen Qingliu's side.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Chinese Famous Black Pink Liangliang] little fairy for your reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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