There are many people in this world who have no skills and cannot do many jobs. They can only do hard labor, similar to moving bricks.

There are also many people who are unable to leave and look for work because their parents are elderly or their young children need care.

They have no source of income and can only grow some vegetables and raise some poultry to barely provide the family with basic food and drink.

These families are reluctant to even eat the eggs laid by their own hens, so they have to sell them for a few cents and slowly save money little by little.

They don't have money to buy medicine when they catch a cold, or they are reluctant to spend the dozens of dollars they finally saved to buy medicine.

All they can do is dig some ginger, make some ginger soup, and wear long sleeves and long pants to cover themselves up on hot days.

The middle-aged man who jumped off the building today was miserable, but there were many more miserable people than him.

So what if he's sick?

Why can't he think of other ways to alleviate the family's current crisis?

Why does he have to seek death?

Did he think that everything would be over if he died?

Do you think that after his death, the family can return to the happy life it had before?

No, it's impossible!

Shen Qingliu was still slowly describing the man's family situation, but Leng Su suddenly tightened his grip on his wrist and exerted slight force.

The slight pain from his wrist immediately brought Shen Qingliu's attention back.

He lowered his head and looked at Leng Su in front of him with confusion: "Su Su?"

"I don't blame you." Leng Su said.

Hearing this, Shen Qingliu was slightly startled.

"Shen Qingliu, no matter what you do, you are free."

"You like to save people and help others. This is your freedom. You have the right to do this. I don't blame you, and I have no right to blame you."


Speaking of this, Leng Su paused for a moment. She stared into Shen Qingliu's dazed black eyes and looked at him deeply.

"Shen Qingliu, we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I hope you can tell me before you do anything and don't let me exist like an outsider."

"I am your girlfriend, we should give each other respect and trust."

"What you want to do is your freedom. I just hope you can tell me so that I can feel confident."

"Let me know what you're going to do, let me know where you are."

"You don't tell me anything, and you always put me last. With you like this, do you think our relationship can really last for a long time?"

"Do you think any woman can tolerate such cold treatment and cold treatment from you?"

"I..." Shen Qingliu opened his mouth to explain something, but Leng Su didn't give him a chance.

"Just like what happened yesterday, I know the importance of work and know that I shouldn't be willful."

"But if I remember correctly, you were not scheduled for surgery yesterday."

"I sprained my ankle at that time. You didn't have anything important to do. Why couldn't you send me back to the lounge first and then continue my ward rounds?"

"And later, since you promised to send me home, why did you break your promise?"

"If you can't do it, then you shouldn't have said yes in the first place."

"Shen Qingliu, I am also a human being. I will understand you if I can, but only if you respect me, understand me, and take care of me."

"Susu, I'm sorry..."

"As for today, I won't say anything if you insist on leaving."

"But why did you lie to me?"

"I promised not to leave, but ended up sneaking away after I fell asleep..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There is another chapter later, I am writing it, wait a moment

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