[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the daily task "Doing Good Things" 9/10. 】

"..." Shen Qingliu's hand paused.

Leng Su, on the other hand, lowered his starry eyes slightly, and something flashed across his eyes quickly.

After feeding him porridge and wiping him, Shen Qingliu took Leng Su's temperature and checked it.

After confirming that the fever was gone, he rarely left Leng Su alone. Instead, he called the orphanage and asked the director for leave.

"Thank you, Dean, for your understanding."

"Well, I will take good care of her."

Leng Su lay happily on the bed, hearing that "good old man" Shen Qingliu didn't do good things for her, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

All day long, Shen Qingliu stayed with her and guarded her.

But since wiping the corner of his mouth, the system's mechanical sound has never sounded again.

During this period, Leng Suming also made many requests from him, and he doted on her unconditionally.

The strange thing is that the last good thing was never completed...

Seeing nightfall, Shen Qingliu had to temporarily give up studying this system and bid farewell to Leng Su.

"Well, then please be careful on the road. I'll see you in the morning."

"Have a good rest and tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

"OK Bye Bye."


Shen Qingliu left...

He just took the elevator downstairs...just walked out of the apartment building where Leng Su was...just walked out of the community...

Before he could leave, a familiar mechanical sound sounded.

[Ding, a human in need of help has been detected nearby, please host and rush there as soon as possible. 】

Under the guidance of the system, Shen Qingliu returned to the apartment building where Leng Su was located, the floor where Leng Su was located, and the door of the room where Leng Su lived.

Shen Qingliu: "..."

Looking at the familiar door number in front of him, Shen Qingliu fell silent.

"Dong dong dong..."

After a brief silence, he knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A familiar and pleasant female voice came from the room.

"...Me." Shen Qingliu was silent for a while before responding slowly.


Inside the house, Leng Su seemed to be silent for a few seconds. After a while, the door was opened.

Leng Su's surprised face was then reflected in Shen Qingliu's black eyes.

"What's wrong? Why did you come back suddenly? Did something fall here with me?" Leng Su asked.

Shen Qingliu said nothing, his eyes paused on her face for a few seconds, then moved down, and finally landed on her delicate hands wrapped in tissue.

Looking at the dazzling bright red on the white paper, Shen Qingliu's eyes dimmed and his thin lips tightened.

Before Leng Su could react, he had already taken her hand and strode into the room.

on the sofa.

Leng Su looked at her hands, and then at Shen Qingliu, who had a serious face in front of her. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and a smile of success appeared in her eyes.

Yes, that's right, she did it on purpose.

Shen Qingliu is a modern person. Although his EQ and IQ are not low, he naturally does not understand the existence of the system that is too unreasonable.

Therefore, if you want to figure out what the rules of the system are, naturally you won't be able to react as quickly as she does...

After all, she is a well-informed person.

What weird outsiders haven’t seen before? ? ?

This system is simply child's play to her.

However, the system of this plane is still somewhat beyond Leng Su's expectations.

She never expected that this system would be so "fun" and the operation would be so "sexy"...


PS: [Daily request for votes]

There will be five more updates later. I am writing, please wait.

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